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Witching Hour


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Mine are put outside when they go silly and run their maddness off out there.

It's usually just zoomies though, biting is not tollerated in this house and they would be put in a time out to calm them down if they did that.

Not meaning to derail the thread, but how do you enforce this.

Seperating the dogs if they are mouthing?

I read the post to mean the puppy was biting people not other dogs, I could have missed something, I was very stressed the other day. I dont care if dogs mouth each other.

If the dog is biting people becuae its hyped up and being a silly puppy that wont listen (we call them red cordial moments) it gets growled at and put in the puppy pen until it calms down. Worked for all my dogs.

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yes 3, half hour walks , he loves it and he is fine with that much , he is still full of energy , he has mental stim toys and puzzles , but the walking seems to be working .

not really after advice just wanted to share with others what we do .

i do not believe in crating or pens in any shape or form . but each to there own of course .

Edited by noahdabear
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yes 3, half hour walks , he loves it and he is fine with that much , he is still full of energy , he has mental stim toys and puzzles , but the walking seems to be working .

not really after advice just wanted to share with others what we do .

i do not believe in crating or pens in any shape or form . but each to there own of course .

your kidding right? 3 half hour walks are way too much for any 12 week old puppy let alone a rottie. It's an excellent way to wreck their joints. Just put the pup outside to have a bit of fun zooming around. It's what puppies do.

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in my opinion, whether a run or a stroll (you did say "fast" walk in your first post) that's still quite a lot for a 12 week old rottie and it's definately unnecessary.

when my rottie was 16 weeks or so my vet said that even 5 minutes a day is enough (more for socializing than anything else)!

you've mentioned that your pup loves his walks and is fine with it, of course he's fine with it and of course he loves it but he doesn't know and he can't tell you that with each step he takes on solid concrete for that long or that amount of times is probably doing him more harm than good.

surely, there'd be other things you could do instead? buy lots of different toys that you fill up with treats, could hang one of those tug-o-war toys over the tree and he'll be occupied for a while trying to pull it down (i'm going to attempt to make my own as they're a bit expensive), play chasies on a grassed area, you can also buy those board games with treats in the compartments and they have to tap sections with their paws or nose to reveal the treats underneath which is very stimulating for their brain, teach some basic commands and do them in short bursts throughout the day and so on...

i'm not criticizing you, just giving my opinion and some ideas but as you've said each to their own :)

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Well, as a rottweiler breeder, there is no way I would ever recommend to my puppy buyers that 3 half hour walks a day is at all suitable for a rottweiler puppy, no matter what the pace of the walk! It's just too much strain on growing joints, and just asking for joint problems down the track.

Free play and mental stimulation would be far more suitable - you will tire him out far better with training that makes him use his brain, and it will be better for him.

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sheesh i thought it was a sharing forum for ideas !

And it is!! Ideas are shared, and you take & use the ones you think will be helpful :)

Being a public forum , and being that there are a lot of very experienced owners/breeders using it , as well as new owners, there will be a big variation in opinions .

That's the beauty of it ..MOST suggestions on DOL are offered as a way of helping/educating .. :)

We all learn something from this forum every day .

Edited by persephone
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Please take the advice you've been given here, by very experienced Rottweiler people! Don't take it as criticism, people are only looking out for your puppy's welfare. I can tell you, the heartbreak of putting your dog down at 4 years old because of severe joint problems (as a friend did recently) is not something you want to experience! And if walking your 12 week old pup for that long is really what your breeder and vet recommended, I would definitely be finding a new vet (in the breeder's case, it's obviously a bit late). Generally, the recommended time to walk a pup seems to be 5 minutes for every month of the pup's life. That would be 15 minutes in your case, and that's a lot less than 1 1/2 hours!

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