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18 members have voted

  1. 1. How did you teach your dog to weave

    • 2x2
    • tunnel method (staggering the weaves and gradually bring to straight)- vertical poles
    • Tunnel method (as above)- sloped poles
    • Channel (using a physical barrier to guide them)
    • Luring
    • Other- please describe
  2. 2. Does your dog hop or step through the weaves

    • Hop/Bounce
    • Step
    • Both
  3. 3. What do you find the most difficult?

    • Weaves
    • Contacts
    • Tunnel/contact suck
    • Speed (too slow)
    • Speed (too fast)
    • Change of sides
    • Distance handling
    • My dog doesn't like a certain piece of equipment
    • Remembering the course

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Quick agility poll.

Mainly focussing on weaves.



Interested especially to know how many dogs hop thru the weaves vs step/stride.

I have heard stepping is quicker, not sure if thats true? Obviously small dogs can't really step through the weaves.

I've seen some VERY fast dogs hop thru weave poles and it certianly didn't seem to disadvantage them.

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I think whether they single step or double step depends on a variety of factors including size and structure as well as method of training. The little guys can't single step. When my fella is really going great guns he single steps but when he is not as confident he double steps (or rather staggers his steps, so will be two on each side but not at the same time).

With Kaos I used a few different methods :laugh: Channel, slanted poles (V-weaves) and a 3 pole method to help with entries. I am thinking I might try 2x2 next time.

ETA: When I said channel I meant what you have in the poll as tunnel (different terminology). I didn't use guides with Kaos at all. Tried them previously with ZOe with no success.

Edited by Kavik
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Our first dog, because we didn't know anything different, we put a gate on each of the 6 poles so that she had to weave. We found this a really good method & soon had her going fast through the gates around the poles for a ball reward. Then we slowly removed the gates, leaving the first & last on for a while longer. We had the poles set up in the garden while we worked & being ball obsessed, every time she would pester us to throw the ball, we got her to do the weaves first. Worked like a charm, then we set them up at the gate & she would have to do them each time to earn the right to go for a run down the paddock. Our biggest problem with her at trials is that she is a "weave pole" & A Frame sucker most likely because she feels these are the most rewarded obstacles.

The new pup we are teaching 2 x 2 & we would like for him to learn the one step eventually.

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Millie is a "hopper", despite not being a small breed. She can do them relatively fast in training, but slows down in trials. Something for us to work on :) She learnt with the 2x2 method, and I have no desire to see if I can alter her to be a 1 step weaver. She weaves fast enough for me with her own stepping style of choice!

Ruby sometimes 1 steps and sometimes 2 steps so her legs are all over the place. If I find the time I will offset them slightly like in the 2x2 DVD to see if I can get her to 1 step.... but it probably won't happen, too busy with other stuff :o

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I taught Lottie using the 2x2 method, and she steps - although i'm pretty sure that has alot to do with her size as well :)

I also put down contacts as being the more difficult - but not the 2o2o, the fact that we don't have any to practice with makes it really hard!! And the club I got to rarely gets out the dogwalk :( But we're getting there.....

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I have trained three dogs to weave using guides (poles in line with a physical barrier). Two of the dogs one stepped and the other rarely gets any good rhythm in the weave poles but when he does get good speed he bounces.

I have seen dogs trained in each method step, bounce or do neither.

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Nova: Was taught luring, you know the push pull method, he is very quick on the weavers but doesn't really "weave" It's more of a push the poles out of the way and try to go straight down the middle!

Darcy: Channel (Tunnel) method with verticle poles, he is a stepper and I am very proud of his weavers, I can send him into the weavers from almost any point including half way down on the right so he has to run back and around the first pole. Very consistent and will keep weaving regardless of where I am, I can send him on ahead while I wait at the back and he will keep going, and he doesn't pop out even when I peel away if I am next too him. I believe it's because of this method and he has a very clear idea of what weaving means and what I expect him too do!

Jovi: Channel (Tunnel) method with verticle poles, she is a mixture as she is still learning, she starts off hopping but then goes faster towards the end and starts stepping. I am hoping with time she will be as good at weaving as Darcy, so am teaching her how I taught him with a few adjustments along the way :D

Most difficult is being able to remember the course! I look at some of the Master courses and wonder how on earth people remember what goes where!

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