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What Is The Worst Thing Your Dog Has Eaten?


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Dead mouse, killed by rat bait (bad, but worse when you're only 4kg!). That was definitely the most expensive and traumatic!

Half a block of chocolate (again, the 4kg thing..)

Blood soaking pad things that come on the bottom of meat trays (a few times)

Used tampon.. :cry:

I thought they were bad, but I'm quite thankful, having read the rest of this thread.. :eek:

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Guest donatella

TV cord

DVD cord

Laptop cord

Lamp cord

3 x pairs of thongs

a panadol tablet (i caught her playing with it)

Kitchen Beater cord

and just this afternoon she's chewed the knob off the end of my coffee table and is enjoying digging at my 2 day old shag pile rug when i'm not looking

caught her in the early stages of chewing the handle off my everyday Oroton handbag :mad

over this puppy chewing stage :eek:

this dog has more toys then the average child i should also add

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Foster earlier this year (ACD x Tentie pup) ate the collar from one of my Pugs...all that was left was the buckle, D-ring and rego tag. Little bits of twisted collar turned up his in poop for a week afterwards so I knew who the culprit was. Same dog destroyed three beds (chewed to smithereens).

I have a kelpie X foster here, who has, over the course of several months, eaten an entire couch. The couch was my old Mastiff bed, housed in the Taj Mahal in the bigdog run, she has flayed it and eaten the cotton cover, then chewed and disassembled the entire wooden frame, and then shredded the foam that was inside into little crumbs. I gave her a trampoline bed with a heavy canvas cover and she flayed that in twenty minutes flat.

My pugs mostly don't chew much except food, but my boy Cheddar does often mistake biros for food and crunches them up. If I don't shut the bathroom door firmly, they will all raid the wastebasket there and gleefully distribute used feminine hygiene products everywhere..eeeewwwwww...

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My standard Poodle (RIP beautiful girl) got into my sons trick or treat stash. He had collected a full pillow case full of goodies and I told him to make sure he put it where she couldn't get to it as she had a notorious sweet tooth. She chewed through the window screen in my sons room and ate part of the draw he had hidden it in and she then demolished the whole lot! Wrappers and all!! I fully expected a vet trip for bloat or the like but she was perfectly fine and none the worse for wear. Iron gut that girl had:).

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Guest english.ivy

Badger is so well behaved compared to dogs posted in here so far. And I thought he was naughty!

Badger is a chewer but he mainly just eats his bed and toys.

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3/5 Of mums iceberg roses.

several sprinklers

Bag of blood and bone (which was in a sealed container)

Plasterboard in the garage and laundry


Probably a lot more that I don't remember


The doorway to the kennel

Several pots and the plants within

The carpet in the boot of my first car

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When Rover was about 9 months old, he ate a sewing needle, complete with thread :eek:

What followed was emergency surgery at midnight and two nights in intensive care :cry:

The over thousand dollar vet bill certainly reminded me to be more careful with needles in future

Edited by minicooper
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Guest Panzer Attack!

OMG you poor people!!!!! The worst thing Scooter has eaten is a snail or fifty! He's mostly over the chewing stages now, I think I've gotten off very lightly. The most expensive thing he's chewed is my Seinheisser headphones cable, and that was only cos I was stupid enough to leave them on my bed and run off to do something. Luckily he didn't attempt my iPhone. He also ate a phone socket cord (cost a couple bucks to replace), attempted to have a go at the phone socket in the wall but was easily disuaded and ate my hard drive connector cable (bf gave me a replacement that he had lying around). He's never needed to seek vetinary treatement or anything. Oh! When my ex babysat him last week for a couple of days he chewed his mouse cable, but you know, I warned him to keep an eye on him and not leave him unsupervised cos he's only 9 months old...

Barkly on the other hand has had his stomach pumped around 4 times and has eaten some wonderful things including asprin, most of a huge Rocklea Road block (enough to kill him), Prozac, a mosquito coil... that dog is a stomach on legs. Luckily for me, he's not my financial responsibility!

Previous two never ate anything they shouldn't have. Bam once broke a cheap bracelet by jumping on me and getting her paw caught but that is it.

E x

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Apart from the usual stuff like socks (lots of socks), their bedding, door frames, garden tool handles, plastic and aluminium dog bowls there have been a few stand out items. One dog that never chewed anything else, ate the power cords from a brand new vacuum cleaner and a full seat size shiatzu massage cushion in the space of two weeks. A 12 year old swallowed a sewing needle and thread that by some miracle stuck in her throat and I managed to get it out by feeling with my fingers for why she was gagging. The needle stuck into my finger and the whole lot came out.

But the most bizarre thing ever eaten and swallowed would have to be a full cake of Solvol soap by another dog that never destroyed anything else. I have had dogs lick soap bars before but cannot even begin to imagine how bad Solvol must taste. It came back up as a grey, sandy slime. Today would have been the 20th birthday of this dog if she had still been here. :D

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Isaak ate 7 almost new pairs of shoes.....all mine and all Rivers brand. I bought 3 pairs, and he ate two of them after they'd been worn once. So I bought another two pairs and he ate one of them and the ones he missed the first time around. So I bought another two pairs and he ate both of them the morning I was to leave for Adelaide (I was going to take both pairs with me). I bought some more and he ate one pair that he hadn't gotten to before.

Edited by GayleK
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My old boy(RIP) ate a disposable razor and a full tin of berrocca's when he was a young tacker.Lived to the ripe old age of 16 and those that knew him used to call him Chuck with the cast iron gut.He was tough as nails my boy.

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My $300+ reading glasses :eek: One of the lenses was never found !

Aaah yes, almost forgot about those. My multifocal, transitional lens glasses that I wear for both close up and distance.......Isaak got them off my bedside table while I was in the shower and had a little munch on the arms and the nose pads. They were unwearable and had to be replaced at the cost of over $500. Little bastard.

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Oh dear - my girl is now 4 so has finally slowed down on her eating habits. She has a cast iron stomach and fortunately has not required any drastic medical intervention other than my vet yelling at me (and me crying). I will try and list the more special items that I can remember:

- a 6 x 6 foot corner lounge (stuffing and timber)

- a mobile phone

- bits off every remote control we own

- my beloved Powderfinger concert dvd

- tampons (used and not mine)

- an entire packet of contraceptive pills

- an entire packet of heartworm tabs

- an entire packet of anti-depressants

- numerous tubs of vaseline

- numerous lip balms - no particular flavour favourite

- family sized blocks of chocolate

- the handles off every clothes basket we own

- two backpacks

- a wire waste paper basket

- thongs

- ear plugs (used and mine)

- an energy saving lightbulb

- christmas decorations

- christmas gifts

- two dictionaries

- a dog stair (carpet covering and timber)

- boxes of aloe vera tissues (only that type and certainly not toilet paper or paper towels!)

- the arms off two brand new lounges

- the clips off the bottom of every single doona cover we own

- the usual pillows (lounge and bed) and doonas (stuffing lover)

- stuffed toys that belonged to humans

- bean bag beans

- a feathered fascinator

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Well - most of you know about Earl and his penchant for riverstones - last count was riverstones 4 - Earl 0 - vet - :thumbsup: :D ;)

He has also munched my mobile phone and the watch band from my surf watch - he likes hair ties and will steal them whenever he has a chance.

Our first 2 dogs ate an entire waterbed bladder - dug into the shed and sneakily devoured that and all of the plastic bits from the 2 bikes stored in there - they also ate a 12 pack of toliet paer - yard looked like it had snowed. They also chewed through the cables from the brand new washing machine and tumble drier - they ate through our entire old couch that we put out the back for them to snooze on during the day - obviously eating it was more fn thatn sleeping on it.

Our old staffy x ate a whole bar of macadamia nut chocolate - night at the vets - very sick dog.

The kelpie ate a bag of freddos and was fine

Mum and dads foxy cross stole a ham sandwich out of my grans handbag - unwrapped it and left the wrapping in her bag.

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