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Best Way To Bandage/treat 'happy Tail'


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Hi all.

My current foster dog who is a bull breed mix with a stupidly long whip like tail has a case of 'happy tail', I.e she's only a couple of days out of the pound and while in there she wagged so often and so furiously that she's beaten the end of it into a bloody pulp.

After a couple of days of quiet home life it had scabbed over but I just got a call from some friends who went to visit her while I was at work that she was banging it all over the walls because she was so happy to see them, and now my house is covered in blood!! Lol.

Is there anything I can put on it to help it settle and heal? And is there a technique for bandaging? Im happy to take her to the vet if need be but it'd have to be a local non-rescue vet that I'm sure will charge me an $80 consult for 5 minutes bandaging it.

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The only thing i have seen to stop this was made out of leather and worn by a G Dane. There was a waist strap and from that another strap went between the back legs and then formed a loop around the tail about half way down, so the dog could only wag the lower part.

I've heard of a hair curler being tapped onto the end of the tail for protection and still allowing air to get in.

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my rottie managed to wedge his under a door and rip the tip. I put iodine on it, then taped a toilet roll over the tip. You snip a few slits into one end, then bend them in like a cone. Plenty of sports tape which the dog cannot remove over the last quarter of the tail and the toilet roll, leave the end open for air to get in. If thats too soft you can use the tubes from silver foil/glad wrap. If you want to remove the tape just pour some methylated spirits on it and it softens the adhesive.

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Thanks for all the ideas guys, I really appreciate it!

What do you recommend for tape to keep it on? I haven't have time to go grab some implements so I bandaged it up with gauze and just paper tape and she got it off twice and my house is now covered in blood again!

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