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Hefty Fine For Tail Docking


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We have all been aware of the many claims and counter claims made by all sides in the taildocking argument and comments made by myself in previous posts reflect my opinion after having been involved to a fair degree in some of these discussions re the impending docking ban.

My main point is that the Rottweiler clubs, except for one or two members did very little to try to lobby Govt. etc as a unified group and thus contribute to other breed clubs facing the same problem.

The Rottweiler clubs only considered imo their own interests and noboby elses. I have no problem with those that wish to retain the tails on their breed, but I do have a problem with them stopping people having choice all because of vested interests.

Sadly the canine bodies did very little, and as usual too late to offer their members any chance with this ban,But we will fight on.

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