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The New Foster - Gussy


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He had a check up this morning and his vaccs as well.

Vet thinks he is Kelpie cross with something small - he weighed 10.2kg this morning (different scales at different vets from the weekend - I have not fed him that much)..

He thinks he is about 18 months old and he commented on how sweet he was :)

They boys are rumbling around the yard at the moment - my son took a video of them playing, so will post it up on you tube later and put the link in here, so everyone can see how crazy these two are together.

I caved last night... I left the back door open to see if they would toilet outside of a night (and they did)...

I also let them both sleep on Ollie dogs old lounge (which is inside, in the lounge room) - Gussy made his way to my son's room and Ziggy ended up on my bed.

Then about 6am, they both got up, went to the toilet and then ended up on my bed asleep until 8am.

They must have worn each other out yesterday with all the playing and the big walk we had in the morning.

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