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Opinions On Hidden Fencing


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Hey all,

I am looking at a rescue dog who is possibly a fence jumper. She is fine with the 6ft fence at the rescue, but happily and easily jumps the 1m high baby gates in their offices.

On my property we mostly have 6ft fencing, but there is a section at the front which is yet to be fenced and my partner wants to have it around 4.5-5ft (taller will ruin the look of the property and blah blah blah).

So I am wondering if hidden fencing may help us. Has anyone used it before? Does it actually work?

The dog will not be left in the yard while we are out (will be crated or loose in laundry), it's more just for toileting at night and to sit out and have bones in if the weather is fine.

Our yard is not huge, so all of our dog's exercise will be outside of the yard... 2-3 walks a day, and agility and obedience in the evenings and on weekends. I think the only thing I can do in our tiny garden would be weave training and success with one jump exercises LOL.

Please give me some advice, I really love this rescue girl, and feel really mean about getting a zappy fence, but would rather that than having a dog hit by a car... and with partner wanting a short fence I think the only way I could ever feel safe with the dog in the garden is if we have a fence like that.

Edited by DiscoDobe
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I use electric fencing for my horses, and when Sniper has started to jump up on fences I have used my electric fencing. He only gets zapped once and never tried again. I did feel very mean after because he was very scared and went to his crate for the rest of the day, however I have zapped myself plenty of times and I know it doesn't hurt much, and like you say better that than running away and having an accident. He was fine the next day and stayed well clear of the fence and I haven't used it again.

I don't know how much dog specific hidden fencing is, but you can buy the horse things for about $200 for a basic set up with a battery operated energizer.

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If you are talking about the one with the collar, it did nothing for my BC but worked well with my lab cross at my parents place. Even now 5 years since we moved and the fence was packed up she still will not cross where it was.

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Invisible fences can work if you follow the instructions and train the dog how to respond to the zap ie retreat.

If you just install the wires and stick the collar on the dog and leave it to figure it all out for itself - it may bolt through the zap and keep going, and eventually not be able to get back. And it may also become "collar smart", ie know that it only has to stay home when the collar is working.

I know some dogs for whom the system worked beautifully and the owners no longer need to use it at all - that would be ideal. But they weren't border collies or dobes - ie not the smartest dogs ever.

My horse learned from another horse - how to test the electric tape fence. And he also learned if he put his head under and just went for it, the short period of zap was well worth the access to the good stuff on the other side. Sigh. For years it worked beautifully until he met that other naughty horse.

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I use electric fencing for my horses, and when Sniper has started to jump up on fences I have used my electric fencing. He only gets zapped once and never tried again. I did feel very mean after because he was very scared and went to his crate for the rest of the day, however I have zapped myself plenty of times and I know it doesn't hurt much, and like you say better that than running away and having an accident. He was fine the next day and stayed well clear of the fence and I haven't used it again.

I don't know how much dog specific hidden fencing is, but you can buy the horse things for about $200 for a basic set up with a battery operated energizer.

Thanks for your reply. I was thinking about regular electric fencing (as I grew up on a farm and all of our dogs/us kids were very respectful of the electric fencing) and was even emailing the council to find out rules regarding it, but remembered that the gas delivery men need access to our yard and would NOT be forgiving if someone turned the fence on and they got zapped somehow LOL.

If you are talking about the one with the collar, it did nothing for my BC but worked well with my lab cross at my parents place. Even now 5 years since we moved and the fence was packed up she still will not cross where it was.

Thanks. Would your BC just run straight through the fence? Do you think it was because a BC has quite thick hair and may not have had full contact with the electric prong bits? This rescue dog is a Whippet x BC.

I have had great success with Petsafe's Inground Radio fence. :) www.barkcontrol.com.au :)

Thank you! How long did it take to train your dog to keep away from the fence?

I have been looking at this company > My link (I am in NZ)

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My horse learned from another horse - how to test the electric tape fence. And he also learned if he put his head under and just went for it, the short period of zap was well worth the access to the good stuff on the other side. Sigh. For years it worked beautifully until he met that other naughty horse.

Oh we had that happen too- smart alec kids pony learnt to barge through the tape and break it and let everyone out :laugh:

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It took 2 x 30min training sessions a day for two days and a bag of treats. I can't open your link on my phone (loads too slow) but will look tonight.

It took longer to plan, set up, bury and flag the line then it took to teach Millie. :)

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I have used Dogwatch with great success. I went through a company that had a money back guarantee and when we intially had some problems they came out and provided solutions and fixed the problems :thumbsup:

However if is only on part of your fence, I would just fix this area. Good invisible fences are not cheap. For us we had too much fence to replace to solve the problem so the invisible fencing was the cheaper option.

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Thanks for the advice everyone!

The fence builder is coming on Monday to do the fence, we have opted for a 6ft fence (with trellis... can't budge partner on some things...), so as long as she can't climb it, we will be able to avoid the hidden fence... here's hoping!!!

She should be coming home next Thursday for a trial, will post pictures of her :)

Edited by DiscoDobe
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My horse learned from another horse - how to test the electric tape fence. And he also learned if he put his head under and just went for it, the short period of zap was well worth the access to the good stuff on the other side. Sigh. For years it worked beautifully until he met that other naughty horse.

Oh we had that happen too- smart alec kids pony learnt to barge through the tape and break it and let everyone out :laugh:

I had a pony that learned if she leaned on the tape with a rug on she could push it over and not get zapped. That was until i wrapped tape around the front of her rug (where it does up) so when it came into contact wiht the fence it zapped her!!!

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