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Thoughts Please - How Worried Should I Be?


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I just went to feed my almost 1 year old stafford, Ruby, and she is not eating her dinner. Of course this is very unusual for her, so I had a look at her, she is dribbling a bit, her tummy feels quite warm, and she is swollen under her lower jaw - just the front half, and does not want me looking in her mouth.

Her breath also smells a bit strange - what should I do? Should I just take her to vet in the morning - its 12.15 am here.

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I second the vet call.

Stomach problems, eating bad things can get worse very quickly.

But not sure about the jaw thing.

Could be a sting, or a bite or a - at least it's not likely to be a cane toad in Victoria.

Or she could have zoomied and crashed face first into something. And the damage might be just bruising or broken.

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The smelly breath and swelling suggest infection to me. She's a bit young for a tooth abcess unless she has managed to break one somehow. It is possible she has had some kind of mouth trauma, perhaps a puncture from a stick?

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Called the vet and he seems to think with the smell and swelling its most likely an infection from something stuck in her teeth or grass seed and that unless she becomes distressed then to just bring her in first thing in the morning.

Thanks - I was just second guessing myself, I appreciate the replies :)

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Cross-posted with you emgem - from the little bit that she would let me look in her mouth I could see a blood blister on the gum of her lower jaw so some kind of mouth injury is likely - I'm on a property so plenty of sticks and bones around.

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Could def be an infected tooth- My girl broke her baby canine and the swelling came up in the space of two hours. She however was not off her food or in any visible pain.

I guess it will be a long and sleepless night. I hope she remains stable and is easy to fix. I wouldn't offer any more food or water in case they need to knock her out first thing tomorrow.

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Could def be an infected tooth- My girl broke her baby canine and the swelling came up in the space of two hours. She however was not off her food or in any visible pain.

I guess it will be a long and sleepless night. I hope she remains stable and is easy to fix. I wouldn't offer any more food or water in case they need to knock her out first thing tomorrow.

Same here my pup broke baby canine at 11 weeks, he was in a lot of pain though he was screaming and face started swelling in the way to the emergency vet

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Just got the call from the vet after leaving her there this morning. Big stinky infection under the tongue and in lower jaw. No sign of an abscess thankfully. Looks like she's run into something or had a big knock to her central lower canines (? the ones in the middle) as there was a blood blister on the gum.

They've given her a big does of AB's and anti-inflammatories and hopefully she perks up a bit and starts eating and drinking in the next 24 hours so she can have next lot of meds and not get dehydrated.

Poor girl :(

Going to pick her up in an hour and get some roast chicken and livers for her. It's been over 24 hours since she last ate, and probably nearly that long since she's drunk anything. Fingers crossed she is happier once she's home.

Edited by parrotpea
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Persephone - i don't know if they gave her IV fluids, but they said to make sure she was drinking, and syringe water into her mouth if she wouldn't drink.

She's looking a bit perkier now she's home, has drunk some water and had a bit of chicken mince. :thumbsup:

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She's looking a bit perkier now she's home, has drunk some water and had a bit of chicken mince.


make it easy for her .. chicken soup is perfect (no salt) even a small amount of milk or yoghurt added to a drink of water to give it taste tonight :) Just to get her fluid levels up a bit .

Glad she's home, and hope she sleep well.

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