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Need A Name For A Foster Doggie


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As most of you know I gave Ollie dog his wings on Tuesday.

I realise this is soon and some won't understand but I just can't stand the house being so quite and without a dog.

So I put my hand up to foster this little guy until his forever home comes up. The pound called this afternoon and wanted to know if we wanted to meet him before we pick him up tomorrow and the kid (he is 20) was sure we should go now.. So off we go to the pound to meet our soon to be foster, the kelpie cross

Kelpie boy

Suggestions for a name for this tiny guy - and he is really little... I can't wait to bring him home - I hated leaving him at the pound, even for just one more night..

Now while we were there, the kid asks if they have any staffys - they guy says they have a couple of crosses.. So off we trot to the next row of pups and there he is.. He is listed as a cross but looks pure to me (not that I am an expert but I have had staffs most of my life).

He won't be up for sale for a couple of weeks yet, so we don't have a picture yet as he is not on the pound site - but the kid is over the moon.

He is very shy and timid but stuck to my son like glue when we got him out for a play. And as soon as he realised I was open to kisses, he was all mine... I would say he is only about 6 months or a bit more old. He is brindle with big white socks and a white patch on his chest.

I know it seems soon but the kid has just lost his dad and his dog within 3 weeks of each other and he was so happy that the puppy just wanted to be near him - I just could not say no..

We will need a name for this guy if/when we can bring him home.

So the pound are testing the staffy baby with the kelpie cross for us but honestly I think they will be fine as they both just seemed like they wanted to play with all the other doggies there at the moment...

So thinking caps on DOLes - 2 names for 2 boys

Thanks in advance

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that is lovely news... the dog gods work in mysterious ways and somehow the right pup/s seem to turn up at just the right time... some earlier than others.

Its a great testament to Ollie that another dog is being welcomed into the home.. after all for a dog person a house is not a home without a dog or two.

manes // erum.. i think I actually meant "names"....

Staffy: Rafe ( as in safe with an R)

Kelpie: Dan

Pics picspics please



Edited by dogbesotted
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Thanks all, some great suggestions to choose from.

Helen I will get some pics tomorrow of our little kelpie cross and hopefully a couple of the staffy baby while we are at the pound.

I can't believe this is happening so soon but it must be the right thing because for the first time in over three weeks I am actually sming and the tears have not welled up in my eyes in at least a few hours.

I am liking Banjo for our kelpie boy. Still undecided about the staffy

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It's never too soon - the time is right when it's right for you! :)

I actually think it's easier earlier rather than later - helps to take your mind off the loss but in no way diminish how you feel.

I suck at name suggestions as I like dorky names.

Basil? Roger? Herbert?

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Awww great to hear Staffyluv. I am so excited and happy for you.

It's never too soon. I was the same when I lost my old girl Gyps. Within a week or so after her passing I began my search... Although I did have the other furkids here at home - it just didn't feel right without my shadow. I didn't just want another, I needed one, which is probably how you're feeling at the moment.

I knew my Gyps (Whitey or Jay Jay) could never be replaced but also knew there was room in my heart to love another. Little Takoda has helped immensley. Although she has only been home for 2 weeks and 4 days it feels like she has always been in my life and she is certainly helping to mend my broken heart again.

Wishing you all the best with your new boys and look forward to lots of happy updates. :)

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After an evening of debate with the lad we have names for both beautiful boys.

Gus for the kelpie boy and Ziggy for the little staffy baby..

I can't wait to pick up Gus tomorrow and hopefully we will have Ziggy in a week or so

This is just so very perfect..Gus and Ziggy will between them bring sushine and smiles back onto your lives and your hearts.. in fact they soundlike they have already started. I have the feeling that Ollie Dog will be very very proud of you both and know he trained your hearts well



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I am so happy for you! Do not ever feel like you need to explain yourself to anyone about

How soon it is. Only you can know if the time is right.

It sounds to me like it was meant to be.

14 years since you had a puppy... Now getting 2... Think you are in for a hell of a crazy fantastic time :D

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Thanks all - suggestions were appreciated. I dare say I will be back for lots more advice as it has been 14 years since I had a pup in the house and I have never dealt with a kelpie before.

Today is collection day for Gus the Kelpie cross.. he is so tiny (but then I am used to a boof headed staffy). I think he weighs all of about 6kgs.

We (kid and I) to get some chicken wire for our gate, as I think he will go right through the bars he is so small.

A new collar and lead, bowls and some other bits and pieces.

We will get to do it all again when we collect Ziggy (staffy pup).

And maybe even sooner when we collect the Pei cross so we can take him up to the Gold Coast for Ams rescue next week..

OMG, I have gone from a one sick dog house to a 'boarding' house...

It feels right though...These little guys have kept my mind so busy that I have hardly had time to dwell on the sadness that fills this house at the moment and I am sure they will make it a very happy home again.

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