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Introducing A New Dog.


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Hi guys

We just adopted a 1 year old GR from a shelter. We have a 2 year old boxer. Both are male and desexed. We took our dog to the shelter and they spent about an hour together. We had the behaviorist from the shelter watch to see what she thought. She and I both were comfortable with their behavior. The new dog has started humping our dog. In turn our dog has returned the humping. So far it has been quite rough play, but nothing I have worried about. They have been allowed outside together for about 15 minutes at a time and they are playing quite rough. I have then brought them into the house where they have quite easily settled next to each other. Am I best to just reprimand them for the humping? We have a separate crate for each of them which I am feeding them in. The only time I have seen a little agro behavior was over a bone that had been left in the yard. I have now gotten rid of that but I sure there will be a time when they both want the same rope.... etc.

I suppose my very long winded question is how much is too much. I know it is early days but I would like to do this once and right the first time.


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I'd remprimand the humping. If they both seem to be enjoying playing rough I'd leave them to it. Now that you have two dogs, food and bones left out is pretty much ruled out (there will be some that disagree about that, but why invite trouble?). Mine steal toys off each other, but never fight over them.

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Im finding that they start playing alright but if one happens to pin down the other one it excalates a bit. I have been using treats to call them when this happens to distract the bad behavior and when they come and sit they get a reward.

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Im finding that they start playing alright but if one happens to pin down the other one it excalates a bit. I have been using treats to call them when this happens to distract the bad behavior and when they come and sit they get a reward.

I would be careful and watch that behaviour closely

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You can always do the 'bully test' where you call the one on top away and hold them while the other dog gets up and see if the other dog approaches for more play. If they do, then there's no need to intervene and they can go back to playing. It's good to be able to break up a game with your voice anyway and what you're doing is a good idea.

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