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New Dog, Barking


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Hi everyone,

3 weeks ago I adopted a chi x who is 2 years old. When we got him, the profile said, good with other dogs, people and kid. We thought perfect, we have a greyhound and 2 cats. He arrived and he fit right in, loves us, loves my grey, runs after the cats a bit but they put him in his place.

What we slowly realized was that he had a huge fear of strangers, barks his head off and has already nipped 2 friends ( did not break skin). He also has huge issues with other dogs at the park or on a walk. He barks and rushes up to them, very aggressive behavior.

However he is an angel with us, does everything we ask and is so good.

We are a bit at a loss as to what o do. Our grey is a perfect dog, and we've never had issues with her. We ate very concerned about the nipping as our friends have kids. Once he gets into a barking frenzy there us no distracting him. He is booked in to obedience training next week.

Any tips for us?

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1. Don't put him in a situation that he is not comfortable in. Don't allow him access to kids or kids to him. Keep him away from other dogs that he is not comfortable with.

2. Find someone who can help you with the issues he has. An obedience club may not be the best place to get this help - often it is not what they are there for and the instructors are not qualified/able to help.

Good luck with your little man!

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Hi - you and your dog need more help than 'obedience training'

A dog biting, barking , with probable fear aggression, and problems with other dogs in public is not happy when in situations triggering the fear, and is a dog who may one day be declared 'dangerous' and bring the law down on you. :(

Did you get this dog privately, or thru a rescue ? If a rescue- have they offered to help you?

May I suggest /urge you to contact a professional to assess and help you. No- this is not the time to choose a franchise form the yellow pages, either !

Ask on here- and tell us where you are situated ..and someone will suggest the best/closest good person to help you and your dog.

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Thanks for the quick responses guys, he is a rescue but I had him flown down from the gold coast and I live in WA. Can I please have some suggestions for a trainer? I live north of the river in Perth. I am a bit worried now because we hoped to socialize him by exposing him to other dogs etc. seems like we might have made it worse?

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Thanks for the quick responses guys, he is a rescue but I had him flown down from the gold coast and I live in WA. Can I please have some suggestions for a trainer? I live north of the river in Perth. I am a bit worried now because we hoped to socialize him by exposing him to other dogs etc. seems like we might have made it worse?

Hi Christine :)

Most Perth DOLers recommend Kathy Kopellis McCleod - http://kathysdogtraining.com.au/

I've also had good help from paw prints pet training - http://pawprintspettraining.com.au/

Good luck!

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I have got a dog (rescue dog) who is quite aggressive to other dogs when she's on lead. If they come into her space, she snaps at them very quickly, often too quick for me to react and she has connected and drawn blood. She also displays fear of some people.....it took me a while to figure out it was men in broad brimmed hats.

So I manage it by protecting her from dogs coming into her space and by asking men approaching to take their hats off. It's not fair on her to expect her to be on guard all the time when she's on a lead, as her owner, it's up to me to provide an environment she feels safe and relaxed in.

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Thanks Gayle, because we've had him only a short while, we're still trying to figure out what sets him off, right now it seems it's ALL strangers and dogs. I also wonder if we might have given him a bit too much attention? We have never allowed him to sleep on our bed, we have thaught him to sit for a treat or pat and have even toilet trained him. But it just seems when it comes to other ppl he is completely off.

ETA it's not just when she is on a lead, it's also when ppl come to the door.

Edited by christineR
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Thanks for the quick responses guys, he is a rescue but I had him flown down from the gold coast and I live in WA. Can I please have some suggestions for a trainer? I live north of the river in Perth. I am a bit worried now because we hoped to socialize him by exposing him to other dogs etc. seems like we might have made it worse?

Hi Christine :)

Most Perth DOLers recommend Kathy Kopellis McCleod - http://kathysdogtraining.com.au/

I've also had good help from paw prints pet training - http://pawprintspettraining.com.au/

Good luck!

Gosh you could be describing my Louis to a T! I got Kathy in to assess Louis and have been attending her 'reactive rover' classes with him - I can't recommend her enough, she has help so much with Louis and taught me a lot about how to manage him and his fear behaviour.

He too was a rescue and fitted in beautifully with his home 'pack', but has issue with strangers and other dogs.

Good luck with your little boy :)

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Thank you so so much, off to make a few calls now.

Hi Christine,

I hope professional help can assist in making him a more confident and happy dog, and reduce your worries about visitors entering your home.

Sounds like your new doggy addition is very luck to have you to help him work out his issues.

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Sometimes, when you bring a new rescue dog into your home it is a good idea to not take them out for a couple of weeks, and also to be very low-key, no-fuss around them (hard I know!) :)

Its just that it can be such a big change for them, especially if they weren't socialised well by their first owners. This time can then give you and them a chance to build a bit of a relationship and trust.

I would consider implementing this with him now, until your appointment with a trainer/behaviourist, then they follow the plan they have given you :)

good luck :)

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