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Dogs Jumping On Beds


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I have a dog who is just over 2 and she has been jumping on the bed whilst I am in it and sometimes she sleeps and other times she is there for a while and then goes back on the floor into her dog bed. How can I stop her jumping up as I would like to break this habit?

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close the bedroom door ..... put up a baby gate ...... buy a dog crate (most dogs love them and that's what I do).

this. And if they do go into your room, don't let them on the bed. ever. you've got to be completely consistant or they'll never get it.

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I have a dog who is just over 2 and she has been jumping on the bed whilst I am in it and sometimes she sleeps and other times she is there for a while and then goes back on the floor into her dog bed. How can I stop her jumping up as I would like to break this habit?

Don't let her do this (in bold) or as others suggested stop her access to the bed/bedroom

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you maybe need to teach your dog she doesn't jump on ANY furniture without permission.

If she sleeps in your room ..then set aside a weekend or something ..and every time she jumps up.. just put her back on the floor .

Make sure she has a nice bed of her own... and that is the ONLY place she gets patted/spoken to /maybe a food treat ..she does not get spoken to on your bed .

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Wait, so if you're in the bed, and she's there long enough to go to sleep, does that mean you are not saying anything when she does jump up?

Teach her an 'off' command, then use it as soon as she jumps up. She should get the picture after a few failed attempts to snuggle in.

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Guest english.ivy

Wait, so if you're in the bed, and she's there long enough to go to sleep, does that mean you are not saying anything when she does jump up?

Teach her an 'off' command, then use it as soon as she jumps up. She should get the picture after a few failed attempts to snuggle in.


My Belgian was a serial bed sleeper until I put a stop to it. She is only allowed on the bed while I read and in the mornings for a cuddle. Other than that, she's in HER bed on the floor or on the carpet.

I never had to lock her out of the room, I just made sure I was strict with when she could and couldn't jump on my bed.

Guess each dog is different but she learnt very quickly.

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I had to teach my cat the same rule :) he comes on the bed to say goodnight ..then, when my light goes off- he hops in his own bed :) he wakes me in the morning ... but now rarely is he on the bed during the night , thank goodness. My dog stays on his bed, too.

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My Belgian was a serial bed sleeper until I put a stop to it. She is only allowed on the bed while I read and in the mornings for a cuddle. Other than that, she's in HER bed on the floor or on the carpet.

I never had to lock her out of the room, I just made sure I was strict with when she could and couldn't jump on my bed.

Guess each dog is different but she learnt very quickly.

I've started letting my girl up for a short time some mornings while I read my ipad too, she just curls up behind my spine or knees and is no trouble :) I think she is smart enough to work out that this is the only time she is allowed up, she hopped up once while I wasn't there are I kicked her straight off, she hasn't tried it since.

I'm not sure if my boy would be able to work out the subtle distinction in rules tho :o So it's the dog-bed in the corner for him.

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When I adopted my poodle x she had gotten used to sleeping on the foster carer's son's bed. I wanted her on her own bed, so whenever she jumped up I would just tell her no and put her back on her own bed. Had to do it about 6-7 times at bed time the first night, and then she slept through the night on her own bed. Did it once more the second night, and after that she has slept on her own bed.

She's allowed up in the morning for a quick cuddle before I get up, and she seems to know that there is some magic time after which she's allowed up, and she never jumps up in the middle of the night.

You can't let her have time to get comfy, that's like rewarding her for jumping up. As soon as she jumps up, tell her 'off' or 'no' or 'on your bed' or whatever you want to use.

Edited by fuzzy82
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