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Has anyone ever experienced a really mild case of parvo? Is it possible? My foster pup is almost 9 weeks old and was vacc'd at 6 weeks. Pup has had soft poos on and off for a week and a half since acquired but otherwise she is happy and active, eating and drinking well except for one night when she was flat. Two other pups from the litter have tested positive to parvo and thankfully are recovering well. Other pups from the litter have had the same symptoms but tested negative. My vet didn't recommend testing my pup because she said it would more than likely come up negative anyway. I am treating it as though it is parvo just in case. :(

Edited by Kirty
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Fecal sample showed up nothing so I don't think it is coccidia. She has been wormed again this week but was wormed regularly prior to me getting her. Is it possible for some pups in a litter to get parvo and not others?

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And can you get really mild cases? I guess I am just hoping for a miracle because I am not looking forward to disinfecting my entire house and yard. :( I always disinfect myself before work anyway but I'm being even more thorough now - footbath at the front door, putting on clothes just before I leave, etc.

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Kirty you can get mild cases. I had one here quite some time ago. He was flat for two days with slightly bloody stools but recovered even without a drip. He tested positive for parvo and was luckily in quarantine at the time.

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Thats the thing, there has been no blood at all. Its all very weird. She hasn't had any meds and the only thing I did was give her some sub-cut fluids when she was a bit flat on that one day.

I have ordered some Protexin. :)

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I just googled Corona virus and it sounds similar, but not quite spot on. She hasn't had watery poos and the symptoms have lasted too long.

Another question - is it possible to get false positives for parvo?

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So more reading has revealed that vaccination can cause false positives 5-17 days after vaccination. It also seems that false negatives are more uncommon than false positives. Bloody hell this is so confusing!!!

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Hmmm this is getting more and more interesting! Just found an article about Campylobacter which said the virus will sometimes give false positives for parvo? The symptoms described are the closest match to my pup and the rest of the pups. One symptom was crying with pain - she cried for the first 24hrs that she was here but I assumed she was just stressed. Will get her tested for Campylobacter ASAP.


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Is the only symptom soft stools on and off? I wouldn't jump straight to any sort of virus if that's all it is. Stress can cause loose stools and if you have only just started fostering the pup that can definitely do it. As can a change of diet if you switched brands (or even flavors) from what they were previously feeding.

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Pup had the runs before I brought her home (started that day). Other pups had the same symptoms and now two have tested positive to parvo. She has been fed the same food she was on, except for chicken and rice.

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What has she been wormed with and when? I've seen pups get quite sick - and on some occasions, die - after worming...

We tend to use Fenpral or Canex on surrendered or pound sourced pups - they are much gentler than things like Drontal.

I've had recently vaccinated pups also test positive for Parvo, but they didn't actually have it. I'm not sure vaccinosis would start to present this long after vaccination - although it is also a possibility.


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