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"i Can't Recommend The Uncle Be Put Down ...."


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Drunk dog spared after mauling 10-year-old

06:30 AEST Mon Oct 24 2011

A dog that mauled 10-year-old boy in England has been spared after it was found the Staffordshire bull terrier was given strong beer shortly before the attack.

The dog named Diesel, owned by 24-year-old James Holmes, attacked Joe Pickering on July 2 after the boy leant over a fence towards the animal.

Joe was gouged over his right eye and needed stitches, and a skin graft to repair the damage.

But it was found that Mr Holmes' girlfriend's uncle, Paul Ashworth, had taken Diesel out for a walk during the afternoon without permission.

When he returned to his Colne home, he poured some Stella Artois beer into Diesel's mouth because it was panting.

Minutes later, Diesel attacked Joe.

The police tried to bring a civil case against Mr Jones but were unsuccessful because it happened on private property. But police used the Dangerous Dogs Act to take him to court for failing to keep Diesel under control.

"I just want to keep my dog. I'll do everything the court asked," Mr Jones said.

The court spared the dog from destruction because of all the progress made since the attack, including Diesel's sessions with a dog psychologist.

"I can't recommend the uncle be put down but I'll plead strongly on the dog's behalf," said animal psychologist, David Gilman.

Joe's father, Paul Pickering, was furious the dog had been allowed to live.

"What kind of behaviour is it to give strong lager to a dog like that?" he said.

"It's obviously a dangerous animal and it should have been dealt with as such."


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Poorly edited story by ninemsn staff, mentioning a "Mr Jones" without introduction. I assume they mean Mr Holmes...

Poor kid, but he should also have been taught not to lean over a fence and pat someone else's dog.

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Let's say the problem was: the dog is head shy and the kid approached it from the wrong angle.

Would the dog deserve to be pts then?

I think the alcohol thing is a load of rubbish.

Society needs to learn to distinguish between dogs that will bite if pushed too far (ie, many many dogs) and dogs who will attack in a life threatening manner without provocation (very very few dogs). Then it needs to teach kids to recognise when they are pushing too far.

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Why was the child leaning over into someone elses property in the first place?

Im not blaming the child as they probably didn't know better but where was the supervision?

I find it wrong that a dog can be declared dangerous and put down if it bites someone that steps onto my property without permission...

The uncle sounds like an idiot though- giving the dog a beer because it was panting??!!

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