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evening folkds i seem to have a problem with my 5yrs old white maltese bichon

she is forever scratching scratching no fleas red in genital area and at base of tail

i have used differnt sprays /shampoo;s etc but to no avail she runs outside in grass we live on half acre

have changed her diet from less expensive biscuits and food to a named brand but nothing seems to be working

any help would be greatfully appreciated

many thanks

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..and a vet hasn't seen her yet?

it might be time to get someone to check her over. There are heaps of things which can cause scratching ...most likely allergies... but to what? that's the tricky bit! Dogs can be allergic to grass/pollen/fleas/meat proteins/food colourings/shampoos.... all sorts of things !!

re: fleas.. it only takes one bite to set off an allergic reaction ..you may not ever see a flea .

Good luck at teh vets ...

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