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Tricks Your Dog Plays

Mrs Rusty Bucket

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The dog cognition survey got me thinking

Does your dog play "tricks" on you - or shape you into doing things for their benefit.

For example when my dog wants off lead, she makes all the signs she really wants to play with another dog, play bows and all the rest, and the other dog might even reciprocate ie indicate that they want to play too. As soon as my dog is off lead - she goes sniffing or hunting food left overs (school kids eat their lunch on that oval). Completely ignores the dog that wants to play too.

She has also been known in the mornings to say she needs to go out - NOW, and I let her out, and I go to the toilet myself and when I get back to bed - she's on it. She never went out to toilet - you can tell there are no wet paw prints off the grass onto the concrete at the back door. Not sure why she does this so elaborately. She could just get on the bed in the mornings. Somehow a few minutes of the boss's bed all to herself are worth it.

PS link to survey thread


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Yep... My husband falls for it every single time :)

Maui usually lies across his legs in the evening...He will get down of the couch and sit by the back door, so my husband gets up to let him outside. As soon as he gets to the door, Maui will run back to the couch and lie down in the warm spot!

I laugh every time :)

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Kivi does something a big like that. He's all like "Ayyy! I wanna play with Erik!" and bounces around and tries to run off with him and if I let him off leash he immediately abandons the game with Erik and goes for a wander instead. This is usually when I've put him on leash because he's eyeing off the swamp at the dog park or has already visited it.

Erik is an expert at getting training cues out of me. I have learnt to be so careful. He has in the past started undesirable behaviour because when he did it the first time I called him over and told him what I'd prefer he do and then rewarded it. The interrupt, redirect, reward sequence is very popular in positive training circles, but I have to make sure I don't do the reward bit for a good 10 seconds. Preferably not the redirect thing, either. He is a very easy dog to accidentally reward.

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To set up the scene: OH was lying on the lounge at one end watching TV (and not paying attention to the dog), I was in another room, the TV remote was on the lounge (opposite end to OH).

We figured out afterwards the game he devised to earn himself some treats.

The dog quietly grabbed the remote without the OH looking and brought it into me. I rewarded him with a treat and then cued him to take it out to the OH. OH rewarded the dog and threw the remote down the other end of the lounge again. Dog waited until OH wasn't looking, grabbed the remote and brought it into me. This game continued until I went out to the OH to ask him to stop sending the dog in with the remote and busted the dog about to take it off the lounge again. Cheeky bugger had us both feeding him treats for about 10 minutes!

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Lili will stand at the back door the same way as she does when she needs to go toilet, but when I let her out she grabs the closest ball and drops it at my feet....

Mosley isn't too devious but one time we had some friends staying in the lounge on the sofa bed and they awoke to 45kgs of hairy arse dog slowly creeping up the bed from the foot like a wee spy or something :laugh: As if he though they wouldn't notice him :rolleyes:

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Sienna will wait until we are sitting down to dinner and run to the front door in full "someone's here" mode, then whilst you are checking goes bouncing back into the lounge to "clean up" discarded dinner.

If I'm having "Flute time" Sienna will rummage around in the toy box until she finds a suitable toy and then commence flinging it round the lounge until Flute goes and plays with it. Then shell come and climb in my lap and sit there looking at a bewildered Flute :laugh:

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A certain dog training guru's new puppy has worked out how to get crate free time in the house. He loudly says he's busting. Hubby takes the puppy out to toilet and conveniently (from the puppy's point of view) "forgets" to put puppy back in the crate...

PS this particular forgetful move has cost them several rolls of toilet paper.

Edited by Mrs Rusty Bucket
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My Dogs (4) all know how much they can get away with, and with who. If I open a door they wait for me to go through first, the rest of the family.... well lets say they have to be careful not to be trampled!

Also 2 of them are on diets and I have my family on strict instructions not to feed them, but they know if they bug someone else that isn't me..... one of them will relent and feed them!The whole "awww... poor dogs haven't you been fed?" or to me " gee your mean, you mustn't fed them enough! They're still hungry!" :mad

Likewise, my sister's terrier X obeys me when noone is there to 'save' her. If my mum or sister is there, she knows all she has to do is run to them and look sad/cute!

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So funny this thread should come up!!!

This was an email I sent my breeder the other day!


I am big on positive training and rewarding the dogs for giving up bones and toys and food when I ask for it. I also reward them when they eat next to each other nicely or when they find a bone and there are no squabbles about it (there has never been but I like to reward all the same! Reinforce the happy behaviour!)

Anyways, it’s all good but I think their cleverness is making it backfire on me.

I have had several instances now where they wait at the back door, Bitty has some old bone in her mouth, smiling at me.

Obviously I ask for the bone which she gives me but the suspicious thing is they both head for the fridge and wait as soon as she spits out the bone

I always give them something from the fridge (to reinforce my training) but lately I feel like I am being taken advantage of...........................


Another one (I am not a very bright human obviously!)

On Friday Bitty herds me to the fridge at dinner time. I didn’t want to feed her cuz I wanted MrB to take them on a second walk when he got home!

So I look at her blankly. She nods her head at the fridge, I look at her blankly again and say “I am a very stupid human mother! I have no idea what you are on about Bitty!”

She then goes and paws the fridge

LOL by this stage I was thinking I couldn’t pretend to be stupid anymore!

So I laugh and open the fridge. She walks right in and nudges the bottom shelf where I keep her food

I crack up and say “nicely played Bitty!” and feed them both dinner!

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LoL @ Bubbity

I sometimes look at my dog when she's "shaping me" and say "what are you going to do for me?" to see what she comes up with. First port of call are usually doggy push ups (drop-sit-drop-sit-drop-sit).

We are still having negotiations about when I open the door for her. The official protocol is - she sits at the door (and barks if I'm not paying attention) and I open the door. What I get is I want to go out the door, she won't sit. She does this sticky walk towards the back door - like a preying mantis creep... but no sit. So I have to let go the door knob and walk away. I come back later and there is dog lying down next to the door, which is - "I still wanna go out but I can't be stuffed maintaining a sit".

And she is so cute when she tells me she's lost a bit of kibble from the squirrel dude under some piece of furniture and could I get it for her. Rooo rooo rooooo roo?

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Our little jack russell, Sniffy, tricks our appillon Pep out of hi treats/food all the time. Sniffy will eat her treat quick but Pepe is alot slower, so Sniff will run to the door and bark like there someone there or something going on, Pepe will drop his treat and run to the door to check it out, passing Sniffy on the way as she races off to grab Pepes treat he left behind, she is so sneaky,lol.

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Jed does that too, he wakes up my OH and runs to the back door, when he gets there he runs back and jumps up on the bed and lays down. He will not move, he just goes like a dead weight and he literally has to drag him off. It is really funny though.

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