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Why Is It So


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Something I have always wondered about is the possibility of shows taking entries on the day (as well as pre-entries as per normal).

Lots of horse shows do it, sure it would be more work for the stewards and show secretary, but it might help to get entries. I know that there have been days where I have been at a bit of a loose end and would have gone to a show if I had been able to, spur of the moment. Obviously there are plenty of potential problems, like not actually knowing how many entries and therefore, if you need extra judges, but it could be trialled???

As a breeder, I also have taken risks in my past few litters, on new people that have said that they want to show. Only one of them has let me down and never even turned up to training with his lovely girl. The others are now hooked and one is on her second show dog from us :thumbsup: There are a few other breeders in our breed that have obviously done the same thing and brought new people into showing. In our last litter, we gave new people our pick male and kept the second pick, a huge risk for us but it has worked out well so far, with the new people getting a top puppy that is going gangbusters in the ring and the breed picking up some really switched on young people that I can see being successful breeders themselves down the track. :)

As a sport, we have plenty of high profile people that could be utilised to assist in PR with the general public, I think that we just need a co-ordinated effort from the ANKC and affiliates to promote our "brand". I dont see any evidence of marketing plans being in place for the purebred breeds or for showing. At shows, we should have people that are clearly identified - maybe with fluoro T-shirts that say "Ask me anything!", so that the general public have a point of first contact when they rock up to an overwhelming, chaotic new experience.

New people have to be coddled, welcomed and prized, someone needs to take responsibility for them - it cant always be their breeder. :D

You sound like you are in dog showing for the right reasons and you put the breed before your personal success in the ring. There are many people (including my breed) that would NEVER sell you something decent just incase you beat them in the ring with it!!!! And if you as a new person dare beat them you are given the cold shoulder!! I have seen many new exhibitors discouraged by these actions. You are right we all need to help and encourage new people into our breeds.


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I like the idea of taking entries on the day. I don't enter many shows due to the distance I have to travel for most of them, but there are occasional weekends when I wish I'd entered because of the weather, or just feel like a dog day out.

I've had one breeder tell me she wouldn't sell me a show quality puppy but then I've had two tell me they certainly would (and they have matings planned that really interest me).

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I don't know if this would be too invasive or not, but another thing which might help the general public is if gazebos had a laminated sheet, or something along those lines, which shows the name of their breed and basic information about them available to look at. I've wandered around show grounds before and admired breeds but sometimes had no idea what breed I was looking at.

In the poultry world (maybe not a good comparison) you often see breed information on cages. You can see what the name of the breed is, what colour egg they lay, basic standard information and other interesting stuff. I know I've often wanted to ask about a great looking dog but to interrupt a group of people sitting and talking seems too rude.

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You sound like you are in dog showing for the right reasons and you put the breed before your personal success in the ring. There are many people (including my breed) that would NEVER sell you something decent just incase you beat them in the ring with it!!!! And if you as a new person dare beat them you are given the cold shoulder!! I have seen many new exhibitors discouraged by these actions. You are right we all need to help and encourage new people into our breeds.

Maybe so, but there are also people who won't sell one local to them because they have kept the best and know that combined with their experience will mean the newbie will get beaten most of the time and get discouraged. There's also not much point putting all your eggs in one show ring, it makes sense to sell further afield.

Something I've learned in showing is that there are usually plenty of explanations behind a behaviour. Sometimes it's people being small minded and sometimes it's people trying to be helpful and do the decent thing. Sometimes a newbie doesn't have enough insight to work out which is which, and sometimes showies need to pull their head out of their rear. Knowing which is which only comes with experience.

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I don't know if this would be too invasive or not, but another thing which might help the general public is if gazebos had a laminated sheet, or something along those lines, which shows the name of their breed and basic information about them available to look at. I've wandered around show grounds before and admired breeds but sometimes had no idea what breed I was looking at.

In the poultry world (maybe not a good comparison) you often see breed information on cages. You can see what the name of the breed is, what colour egg they lay, basic standard information and other interesting stuff. I know I've often wanted to ask about a great looking dog but to interrupt a group of people sitting and talking seems too rude.

I think this is a great idea! It would mean that the general public who might be looking in to a few breeds of dogs can find a bit more info about them, and it would also be great it there was something to indicate who was there (ie which kennels. Maybe kennel names near their dogs?) - that way if people are really interested in certain dogs they can get the name of kennels without interrupting and then contact them at a time that is hopefully more convenient. Certainly the first time I visited a show it was way too scary to approach people to find out about their dogs (that was me as a potential puppy purchaser with no knowledge of show world but knowing when people look busy/like they don't want to be interrupted!!).

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it would also be great it there was something to indicate who was there (ie which kennels. Maybe kennel names near their dogs?) - that way if people are really interested in certain dogs they can get the name of kennels without interrupting and then contact them at a time that is hopefully more convenient.

You actually have to be careful doing that, because if you're set up near the ring you're not actually allowed to broadcast who you/your dogs are to the judge.

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I wore my Chinese Crested t-shirt to our Royal last year, had more people asking about the breed from me wearing the shirt than when I was walking the dog around. Mind you the fact it had printed on it "Life's short, play naked" may have had something to do with it. :laugh:

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it would also be great it there was something to indicate who was there (ie which kennels. Maybe kennel names near their dogs?) - that way if people are really interested in certain dogs they can get the name of kennels without interrupting and then contact them at a time that is hopefully more convenient.

You actually have to be careful doing that, because if you're set up near the ring you're not actually allowed to broadcast who you/your dogs are to the judge.

Hmm, well maybe if there was some way of letting people know that without having it emblazoned everywhere. :confused:

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I have been reading this thread with interest, just pop in every few days to see how it's going. A question that has crossed my mind is have Obedience and Agility had the same decline in numbers as Conformation showing? Your thoughts would be appreciated...

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We had our local Ag Show and had some dogs there for the day doing obedience, agility and Flyball. We also got interest as one was a Stafford and I had the Whippets. Lots of people asked questions about training, breed etc. Many people admired my dogs, asked questions and they got lots of good exposure.

I have been out fo trialing for a while so not sure about numbers as yet.

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I have heard that numbers in obedience are dropping but i dont know for sure - not sure about agility though.

I really like the idea of having the breed pinned somewhere onto gazebo's... more and more people have them now and it wouldn't be hard to put up a breed to show people - it woudl even make it easier for people directing others asking questions wehre they need to go if they are asking about a certain breed. Maybe I'll do it this weekend!

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Awwww come to shows with me!!!!!! I'll be nice to you... until you start winning then I'll kick you in the shins and run away crying :p

In all seriousness though, if you want to show, come along to some with me and the fluffernutters... there will be fun and merriment involved (and perhaps a tipple or two).. that's what it's about for me, win or lose

I'll need to buy myself a show dog then :laugh: I was put off so really I took a dog that is not for showing. Might have to buy myself a rottie pup to show eh ;)

I'll come if I dont have to wear a skirt and you do know if I get picked on someone will be told to get effed :p

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Awwww come to shows with me!!!!!! I'll be nice to you... until you start winning then I'll kick you in the shins and run away crying :p

In all seriousness though, if you want to show, come along to some with me and the fluffernutters... there will be fun and merriment involved (and perhaps a tipple or two).. that's what it's about for me, win or lose

I'll need to buy myself a show dog then :laugh: I was put off so really I took a dog that is not for showing. Might have to buy myself a rottie pup to show eh ;)

I'll come if I dont have to wear a skirt and you do know if I get picked on someone will be told to get effed :p

That sounds just fine Nek, I definately don't wear skirts and have told the odd person over the years to go jump, so you would be more than welcome to sit with me - of course Rotti cuddles help sweeten then bargain!!!

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There is always a good public response to the Pet Expo at Caulfield. I see that Kilmore A&P is having an information session on horse ownership at their show. As well as some local horse studs, there will be someone there from the DPI and a local equine vet. It does not need to be every show, but why is there not something like that at our bigger shows?

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There is always a good public response to the Pet Expo at Caulfield. I see that Kilmore A&P is having an information session on horse ownership at their show. As well as some local horse studs, there will be someone there from the DPI and a local equine vet. It does not need to be every show, but why is there not something like that at our bigger shows?

This is true... at sunbury everything was so spread out a newb wouldn't know where to find anything or anyone. The information desk was out of the way and i dont recall seeing signs. Given this is one of the bigger shows in Australia it was all very segregated.

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Is it feasible to run some shows or demos of dog shows at community dog events?

In my area there are 4-5 events in the local area (within a 30 min drive) each year such as "pets day out" etc. The events are highly attended by the general public and my club gives obedience and agility demos on the day. It has been great for the club and gotten a quite a few people interested in dogs sports (particularly agility).

My club actually also does conformation classes, so I guess I could ask them whether they could incorporate these into the demo program. My dog has no potential for show, so I've never been to the conformation classes but it is something that would also be nice to see at these events :)

Part of the problem with this is the apathy of club members. I have been involved in Obedience and Agility Demo's for different clubs because I have been on the grounds for flyball and the other clubs have had no one turn up!! One of my Breed clubs has no inclination to do any marketing of the breed- we were offered a breed stall at sydney royal and they turned it down because it was two much work. I was the ONLY one interested and at that stage only had two dogs so couldn't man the stall alone for the required number of days without pushing my dogs too hard. My other breed club has only just started and will need a dramatic boost in numbers before we can actually do anything.

I enjoy showing my dogs- I don't win often and get told my dogs are too skinny, I am there to educate the judges on working dogs with waist lines! Yes there is bitchiness, I have reduced the effort I have put into one of my breed clubs because of this, and limit my contact with other breeders. I was not mentored so it has all been a hard slog so I can understand why people give up so quickly!

So I guess my answer for declining numbers is apathy from existing show people about getting new exhibitors, apathy in encouraging exhibitors to stay and the nastiness that competition brings out in people! And not enough good stories being shared with the public. I don't dwell on the negatives when I talk about showing, instead all the time I get to spend with my dogs etc.

BUT I think these are only having an effect because the general public doesn't know these sports exist so we are not getting as much turn around. The Dogs NSW open day was not publicised well- surely getting on some radio stations and pushing it as a family friendly free day out would get more traffic??

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If the above stats are correct, what it shows is that membership across Australia in the past 16 years has declined by 38.7% and registrations have declined by 31% in 24 years.

Over the corresponding period of decline in membership (1995- 2010) registrations only declined by 18.8% (less members breeding more puppies/ or more litters - it's not clear from the stats what actual number of litters is) Obviously these stats only record registered litters from members and not the number of unregisterd puppies sold.

The States/ Territories worse affected by the decline in Members is TAS with a huge 58% decline, followed by WA and NT with a 55 % decline, SA has fared better with a 26% decline.

In comparison, over the past 15 years the Australian population has grown by an average of 1.9% and overall pet ownership has also increased.

Any organistation would be severly affected in terms of revenue with this type of decline from 2 sources - memberships and litter registration fees.

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Remember, those stats are just members, not people who are actively competing.

A lot of BYB's are now joining so they can claim to be registered.

This - agree. Look at the new prefix names every time they are published to see the number of "BLUSTAFF" type names there are!

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