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WIth Mason i only really taught him the obedience work and no tricks as we were not really shown how to teach tricks at dog clubs. For you serious obedience competitors do you ever teach tricks to your dogs? Mason can spin and shake paws and that is about it, but I was thinking I would like to teach Gibbs roll over etc but have not dont it as yet :D

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:thumbsup: What ness and TN said. :D The more you teach, the more they can learn - and the more fun you're having with your dog. And IMHO, when it comes down to it, formal obedience is just a series of tricks that you polish up.
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Yep...I haven't taught Brookie a huge number of tricks but he knows spin, static weave between my legs, walking weave, heel backwards and sideways... Really good for motivation and reward in the ring between exercises. Also useful for you to learn how to teach a behaviour without it potentially messing with your obedience stuff. Shaping games are really fun :D

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I forgot to also mention I will use tricks in between obedience exercises - Kenz loves things like leg weaves and to her it makes our obedience rounds just seem like we are messing around at the park if I throw in a couple of those in between exercises. I can at training, I can in a trial. They become secondary conditioned reinforcers to the dog.

And the added bonus with enough tricks and a bit of music added you can easily improvise a DWD routine and end up with another title :rofl:.

Edited by ness
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I just taught Sasha to shake hands, wave, high five and crawl. We don't really do this in classes though but I was just curious to see if I could teach it and I can. Haven't gotten her to roll over though. She doesn't do it on cue LOL. She sometimes just rolls over for herself but she's funny about it when I tried to teach her so I don't bother pushing her in that.

Its a nice change sometimes in between classes though so she gets a break from the "serious thinking and concentration" lol.

Was also thinking of possibly making her a therapy dog and thought it might be cute is she could do a few tricks.

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Nope. I don't enjoy tricks so I can't see the point of doing something I don't find fun. Hate it when I have to do the tricks part of the classes I teach. I make them all do targeting :laugh:

You might want to hold off teaching Gibbs to roll over until he has a solid drop stay :)

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Nope. I don't enjoy tricks so I can't see the point of doing something I don't find fun. Hate it when I have to do the tricks part of the classes I teach. I make them all do targeting :laugh:

You might want to hold off teaching Gibbs to roll over until he has a solid drop stay :)

I was never into "tricks" either until I started with a trainer who also does DWD. Every now and then she'll incorporate a trick into the class, but I'd like to think they'll come in handy in the obedience ring one day. We do little things like sending to a mat which will become box (if we ever get that far :laugh: ), she has learnt "touch" with her nose and "paw" to touch an object with her paw. A lot of the tricks we learn just make her focus more on me and also learn how to learn iykwim ;)

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I forgot to also mention I will use tricks in between obedience exercises - Kenz loves things like leg weaves and to her it makes our obedience rounds just seem like we are messing around at the park if I throw in a couple of those in between exercises. I can at training, I can in a trial. They become secondary conditioned reinforcers to the dog.

And the added bonus with enough tricks and a bit of music added you can easily improvise a DWD routine and end up with another title :rofl:.

I love the idea of a trick as a conditioned reinforcer. Will definitely use that.

We don't currently do obedience, but we are training for it and hoping to get into it, and I shape every behaviour, and obedience stuff is really boring to shape, so once we've finished with a behaviour I usually shape a trick, just cuz it's fun. My dogs both know lots of tricks, and I love trick training and shaping.

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I've done obedience to CDX level with Darcy but not currently trialling, but I wish I'd put more time into some quieter tricks I could use in the ring in between exercises (the judges didn't like my noisy games in the ring :( )

I never did a lot of trick training but now really enjoy it - I've done more shaping tricks with Zee and she's quite good at it, Darcy is getting better the more we do. The stuff that my dogs give me free shaping always makes me laugh, not to mention that a lot of it can be used for strength and co-ordination work that goes hand in hand with agility. :D Great for those foul weather days where even the dogs don't want to go out.

I did my 1st session ever of free shaping with no props the other night. Within a few minutes I had a very cute paw wave from Zee, Darcy didn't progress so fast but I'm working towards getting a paw over her nose as in "shy". At the moment we have a nose on the ground and some considerable paw lifting going on but I'm sure we'll get there.

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:laugh: no such thing as a dumb Q here wantsapuppy :laugh: DWD is Dances with Dogs - which includes HTM - Heelwork to Music (routine must contain at least 60% (?thinkthat's right) heelwork position - on of 8) ) and Freestyle - what the name suggests.
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