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Do You Have A "picky" Dog?


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Olle isn't fussy about food. He will eat anything and everything. *shudder*. But he is incredibly picky about his water. He prefers running water and refuses to drink from bowls if other dogs have drunk from them or they are more than 12 hours old. I change his water twice daily and no matter what he is doing or how tired he is he will always come and drink while the water is fresh.

He will drink from muddy puddles though, so go figure.

Edited by emgem
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Defintely don't have dogs that are fussy. If they are about some things i don't really notice. Bundy doesn't like wet feet (doesn't do him any favours that he pisses on them a lot but anyway) so he'll always lick his feet clean and dry before he leaves the back door to get on the couch or bed or whatever. You always know when he's missed his aim cos he'll lick just one leg for ages :rofl:

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Guest Panzer Attack!

Scootie was a fussy little brat for the first few months, I'm sure you can read about it on here LOL. However - one day I woke up to myself and realised I'd created a monster. I spoiled the hell out of him since the day I got him home since I missed my other dog so much... and boy did he live it up! One day I decided I wasn't going to take it anymore and started giving him a meal for 5 mins and taking it away... it took 5 days for him to eat (and I honestly thought he was going to starve to death and nearly cracked 1000 times), but he's been as good as gold ever since, and will eat mostly anything I give him. Thank god! :)

I understand small dog owners are more prone to this, but at work we sure get some people with big dogs that do it too. Huskies, Goldies, GSD etc. Knowing what I know now I would NEVER fuss a dog during the puppy stages again. EVER.

That being said, he still gets treats, but he does not eat food from my plate, and I don't give him human food. He has things he doesn't like (dog roll, some kibbles, particular raw hide) but I don't fuss, just throw the disliked food away and make a mental note not to buy it again. He's so EASY now and will eat virtually anything! He gets half raw half kibble and is thriving.

E x

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Atlas is good and will eat most things but Kaos cracks me up.

She hates roo and i love getting bits and chucking it to her so she catches it, she will pull the funniest face and spit it out :rofl:

She also gets scared of some food... i threw a prawn at her the other night, she caught it, did the icky face and spat it out, then sniffed it... but took off with her tail between her legs! Growled and barked and wouldnt go near it... and sat there glaring at it. Once Atlas ate it she was fine.

I have a heap of cat food at the moment and i was rotating the new stuff with the old stuff. Kaos was bugging me so i got a cup full and put it out for her.. i watched as she used her nose to spread it on the ground, then went and ate all the good kibble and left all the Science Diet :rofl: (the cats hate it too :rofl: :rofl: )

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She also gets scared of some food... i threw a prawn at her the other night, she caught it, did the icky face and spat it out, then sniffed it... but took off with her tail between her legs! Growled and barked and wouldnt go near it... and sat there glaring at it. Once Atlas ate it she was fine.

:offtopic: But this reminds me of the very first time I have Bitty a raw egg to crack by herself. She had never had one before so the gorgeous baby Bitty did the only thing she could think of! She playbowed it! :laugh:

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Wellllll... With Carl, if he doesn't eat his food in 15 mins or so, I just take it away and wait til the next meal time. :o He can be a difficult eater in the sense that sometimes he is slow, too anxious or just not in the mood. Jag and Cleo are rubbish bins on legs who will eat anything, and I mean ANYTHING. Including lettuce!

Mischa, on the other hand... :o I tend to cater to her a bit more despite my '15 mins or you get nothing' rule. But in my defense, she's almost 9 years old, and she is pretty skinny. If she won't eat her raw egg, I cook it for her. If she doesn't feel like roo mince, I give her fish. If she wants to eat her bone indoors, I let her. :o :o :o I feel awful if she doesn't get to eat because she really feels the cold and whenever I see her last few ribs sticking out I just. :cry:

She is my little princess and she gets away with far too much food-wise, but the others certainly don't!

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Billie will spit out some things (raw mushroom yesterday) but then looks to us for a cue. If I tap near it with my foot she will grudgingly finish it. Very handy for chewable worming tablets...I try and trick her but she quickly realises that it is not a treat and spits it out. A quick tap and she picks it up again then cleans up any crumbs. Don't make her eat things unnecessarily though, I just try and remember not to give her x again.

More OT: Billie drops stuffed kongs from height to bounce out the food...she has figured out this is also very effective on raw eggs. Was hilarious watching her lug her first bottle buddy up on to the lounge to drop off the side over and over before she realized it didn't work like that!

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I'm with BB.

My dogs are well mannered and knows their boundaries at home. They have always worked hard for everything, and if chopping up Charlie's chicken wing or neck makes his eating easier and I'm happy to do it, then I don't see the problem with that.

hehe CW EW did you know MrB actually bought his stepchild (Bubby) a bottle of truffle oil!

Bubby is MAD about the stuff and is beside himself when he has leftover risotto or frittata drizzled with truffle oil.

It was MrB's plan to get him some when he reached retirement age (10 years). In lieu of all the sad Dol stories we have been hearing lately, MrB went off and got Bubby his own bottle, as life is rather short and you never know.

Every week I make him scrambled or poached eggs with a teaspoon of truffle oil on it and he is in heaven!!!!!

:) That's great!!

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my older JRT loves a particular meal that I cook - once the pan comes out and I start she will sit and stare at it waiting for her spoonful. If I dare give her her dinner without some on top she will ignore the dog bowl and go stand and stare at the pan. OMG the carry on if the rest of the family accidently eat every last scrape and she doesn't get any!

Sometimes if she is being fussy I will throw a handful of frozen peas on top of her dinner and she is satisfied that she has "human food".

I don't let her get away with it too often - don't eat, fine the bowl gets put on the bench for the next night (dry food only)

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My three have their moments but if they dont eat it then it goes into the fridge for the next night and they dont get a biscuit afterwards (2x2). They loooove these and will do just about anything for a 2x2. If they are being overly fussy I break up a liver treat and mix it in and I find they then will rummage through to find the bits and eat the dinner in the process. They do not overly like dog rolls, or anything with roo meat. If they had their way they would eat chicken every night.

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My three have their moments but if they dont eat it then it goes into the fridge for the next night and they dont get a biscuit afterwards (2x2). They loooove these and will do just about anything for a 2x2. If they are being overly fussy I break up a liver treat and mix it in and I find they then will rummage through to find the bits and eat the dinner in the process. They do not overly like dog rolls, or anything with roo meat. If they had their way they would eat chicken every night.

What is it about chicken??\

Lili is OBSESSED with chicken. If we bring chicken into the house she is all over it. She's not like that with ANYTHING else, only chicken, she turns into a horrible little gollum like creature and will stalk anyone who has chicken until they give her a bit. She'd take your hand off for it. :eek:

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