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Do You Have A "picky" Dog?


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Fed the dogs rockmelon yesterday and was so amused at the differences in the way they reacted!

Bitty happily accepted her piece and found a spot to sit and rip the flesh off the skin.

Bubby refused to take his piece then cried, then asked to be let in and walked to his bowl.

:laugh: So I had to chop off the skin and cut the fruit into little pieces and put in his bowl which he ate happily! Picky little bastard! He also never holds bones with his paws and is always trying to get me to hold them while he eats.

Bitty is a little feral! Really likes to get down and dirty and chomp! Eats anything and everything, very easy going. Bubby wont lick stuff off the floor (waits for Bitty to do it and then will ask me for the fresh stuff) and wont eat shop bought cupcakes or cake mix cupcakes that have the chemical smell to them (have tried several times as they are baked by other people and he spits them out at me).

I always find it so amusing how different they are. Its interesting that Bubby is much more picky and fussy given that he was raised by my breeders who are much more "no nonsense" than I am. Bitty is feral but she was a lot more molly coddled as she was raised by us as a baby! They should really be opposite!

So do you have a "picky" dog?

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Yep. Charlie!

Charlie meals are always chopped up for him, he likes oranges but I have to peal the clear skin off the pulps for him. He doesn't like dirt on his bones, so he gets fed inside in the kitchen, where there is no dirt (or else he will sit there crying till someone comes and wash dirt off his bone).

Charlie is bit of a princess!

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Not my dogs...they would eat dirt if I put it in a bowl and told them it was food. :laugh: However, a friend of mine's dogs are another matter. I had been raving about some pig tongues I bought, and my dogs were crazy about. I gave her some for her dogs to try. Later, I asked her about how the dogs like them, and apparently her dogs weren't too keen on them au naturel, but they did finally eat them...after she had sauteed them with cheese! :eek::laugh:

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: at the cheese!

CW EW when Bubby was a wee one year old, he used to bury his trotters. Then when he dug them up they would be caked in mud and he would cry and scream until I washed them clean for him!

These days he will go out to play and come to the back door with dirty paws. Some days we are tired and so we are like "Stuff it", we just let him in and ignore the mud. OMG! He cries and wails until we wash off all the dirt off his paws and dry them!

I once caught Bubby carrying off his last chicken wing and dropping it next to the Bitty (who was eating her dinner). Then he marched inside, looked up at my meatballs simmering on the stove and wiggled his bum at me!

These days if I see him make a move to her carrying his dinner I say "IF YOU LET HER HAVE THAT THERE WILL BE NO AFTER DINNER SNACK BUBBY!!! NONE!!!!! DONT YOU DARE!!!" He will eat his dinner after that threat!

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: at the cheese!

CW EW when Bubby was a wee one year old, he used to bury his trotters. Then when he dug them up they would be caked in mud and he would cry and scream until I washed them clean for him!

These days he will go out to play and come to the back door with dirty paws. Some days we are tired and so we are like "Stuff it", we just let him in and ignore the mud. OMG! He cries and wails until we wash off all the dirt off his paws and dry them!

I once caught Bubby carrying off his last chicken wing and dropping it next to the Bitty (who was eating her dinner). Then he marched inside, looked up at my meatballs simmering on the stove and wiggled his bum at me!

These days if I see him make a move to her carrying his dinner I say "IF YOU LET HER HAVE THAT THERE WILL BE NO AFTER DINNER SNACK BUBBY!!! NONE!!!!! DONT YOU DARE!!!" He will eat his dinner after that threat!

:rofl: :rofl:

See, I totally understand this!!! The only time you will see Charlie having a hissy fit is when he is wet (mind you.. it could just be his paws or a patch on his back). He has his daddy running to the bathroom to get him a towel, then he sits on the towel and sit there and look at me all pathetically as though saying 'Mummy. I'm wet. I don't like it'... I will dry him and he won't be happy till I get the dryer out to dry him!!

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Yep, and it's my boy also.

Lili is a complete starvo, she will eat ANYTHING and often does. She has almost taken off my fingers for a leaf of baby spinach :confused:

Mosley, however, will delicately sniff everything you offer him, decide if its something he would like to try and then gingerly take it from you with his front teeth, drop it on the floor, sniff again and then eat it.

The other night he was snoozing on the couch and woke up when I gave him a corn chip,he lifted his head, looked at it, then went back to sleep. He did eat it sometime during the night though :rolleyes:

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Guest donatella

my little darling is incredibly fussy (although i think a lot of small dogs are?). i have to constantly change her meals up or she gets bored. i'm sure she'd happily starve then eat the same thing weeks in a row, i wish i had a dog that happily chowed down on whatever they were given and enjoyed it :laugh:

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Mine aren't picky when it comes to premium dry and raw. They also enjoy salmon heads, whole eggs etc.

Give them a cheap nasty dry and watch them turn their noses up and who could blame them. They rarely get any scraps or other foods, some they like, some they spit on the ground.

Feed my Whippet something she doesn't like and she'll spit it back at you or chew it up and spit it in your lap LOL

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my little darling is incredibly fussy (although i think a lot of small dogs are?). i have to constantly change her meals up or she gets bored. i'm sure she'd happily starve then eat the same thing weeks in a row, i wish i had a dog that happily chowed down on whatever they were given and enjoyed it :laugh:

Nahh... most small dogs aren't fussy eaters :laugh: You gotta meet Katie P's Chase and other Japanese spitz... they are all considered Rubbish Bins! :laugh:

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Guest donatella

my little darling is incredibly fussy (although i think a lot of small dogs are?). i have to constantly change her meals up or she gets bored. i'm sure she'd happily starve then eat the same thing weeks in a row, i wish i had a dog that happily chowed down on whatever they were given and enjoyed it :laugh:

Nahh... most small dogs aren't fussy eaters :laugh: You gotta meet Katie P's Chase and other Japanese spitz... they are all considered Rubbish Bins! :laugh:

must have something to do with every small dog i've owned and being fussy :laugh: i think she's so used to getting a side of my grilled chicken that actual dog food is of no interest at all. my own fault really

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I know this thread is a bit of fun but I hate to say it guys I actually think it's the owners that create fussy dogs by anthropomorphising about it :angeldevil:

My girl would be fussy if I let her be... but she gets her food and if she doesn't eat it well too bad that is all she is getting. If I give her a bone on her mat and she takes it onto the dirt and gets it dirty, well she'll just have to eat it like that. They are scavengers afterall so it won't hurt them.

I'm a big fat meanie when it comes to their eating habits... through sheer consistency they know that if they don't eat their dinner I won't make them a different one or pander to their fussiness. It's eat it or go hungry round here.


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I have very well behaved dogs but I like to think I respect them enough to let them express themselves

Sure Bubby would eat nothing but meatballs if I let him. But he knows better than that. So he eats his chickens wings, frames, salmon heads etc and only gets his after dinner snacks after he eats his main dinner

I don't know why there is so much pride in being "Me Owner, you Fido, you eat nothing but dog food. You shall have no preferences"

I dont see any harm in spoiling a well adjusted dog if you have the means and inclination to! I don't need to be a "badass" owner who makes my dogs eat dirty bones to prove that I am boss! No harm for me in washing a bone for the Bubby!

Edited by Bubitty
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I'm with BB.

My dogs are well mannered and knows their boundaries at home. They have always worked hard for everything, and if chopping up Charlie's chicken wing or neck makes his eating easier and I'm happy to do it, then I don't see the problem with that.

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I'm with BB.

My dogs are well mannered and knows their boundaries at home. They have always worked hard for everything, and if chopping up Charlie's chicken wing or neck makes his eating easier and I'm happy to do it, then I don't see the problem with that.

hehe CW EW did you know MrB actually bought his stepchild (Bubby) a bottle of truffle oil!

Bubby is MAD about the stuff and is beside himself when he has leftover risotto or frittata drizzled with truffle oil.

It was MrB's plan to get him some when he reached retirement age (10 years). In lieu of all the sad Dol stories we have been hearing lately, MrB went off and got Bubby his own bottle, as life is rather short and you never know.

Every week I make him scrambled or poached eggs with a teaspoon of truffle oil on it and he is in heaven!!!!!

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I'm with BB.

My dogs are well mannered and knows their boundaries at home. They have always worked hard for everything, and if chopping up Charlie's chicken wing or neck makes his eating easier and I'm happy to do it, then I don't see the problem with that.

hehe CW EW did you know MrB actually bought his stepchild (Bubby) a bottle of truffle oil!

Bubby is MAD about the stuff and is beside himself when he has leftover risotto or frittata drizzled with truffle oil.

It was MrB's plan to get him some when he reached retirement age (10 years). In lieu of all the sad Dol stories we have been hearing lately, MrB went off and got Bubby his own bottle, as life is rather short and you never know.

Every week I make him scrambled or poached eggs with a teaspoon of truffle oil on it and he is in heaven!!!!!

OMG!!! :rofl: :rofl: MrB is as soft as Mr CW.

I won't mention Mr CW's stash of McDonald's cookies in the study draw he has for Charlie (Charlie LOVES it), huh? :o

We live each day to the fullest.. you kinda have to with Charile.

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