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First Heats


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I have a 14 month old cairn who is yet to have her first heat.

The dog showed interest in her at 6 months and 12 months but there was 100% deff no signs of a heat on her (no swelling or blood and she refused to stand)

i was NOT trying to mate her at these times but i had no reason to serpate them as she was not on heat.

When should i expect a first heat by and being my foundation bitch when should i be concerned that one hasnt come and either look to a vet or look to replacing her ??

im worried that if shes going to have irregular heats or really none at all that if she ever has a heat she amy well be infertile.


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I have a 14 month old cairn who is yet to have her first heat.

The dog showed interest in her at 6 months and 12 months but there was 100% deff no signs of a heat on her (no swelling or blood and she refused to stand)

i was NOT trying to mate her at these times but i had no reason to serpate them as she was not on heat.

When should i expect a first heat by and being my foundation bitch when should i be concerned that one hasnt come and either look to a vet or look to replacing her ??

im worried that if shes going to have irregular heats or really none at all that if she ever has a heat she amy well be infertile.


Next time this happens (probably around 18 months of age) take her to the vet for a progesterone test as she may be having silent seasons.

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as she was not on heat.
'Silent heats' are a distinct possibility :) Maybe talk with your bitch's breeder- they should know their lines,and what happens with them re: seasons - and can perhaps explain a bit more to you? They may also advise you of which vet may best help you - there are specialist reproduction vets ...
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thanks for the ideas i spoke to my vet via email and he said if shes not had a heat by 2 years olf age they can bring ona heat but shed be less fertile ...ill derff look into getting her levels checked around 18 months if the dog shows interest again and still no signs of heat..

the breeder has said in the past that the line is slow maturing etc but ive never had a bitch not have her first heat at this age


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