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Puppy With Stiff Hind Legs?


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Hi, My 16 wk old DDB puppy seems to be a bit stiff in the hind legs every now and then.....

Two weeks ago I noticed she was a bit stiff and had started to swing in the back end. I laid her down and stretched her legs gently to see if she was in pain and felt around them but nothing. When she got up the swing was less and she seemed fine.

Today she got up from sleeping and tried to stretch her legs out behind her and seemed to be a bit stiff for a bit.

I am terrified she has the beginnings of HD. Does it sound like it to you?

I am taking her to the vet..... so worried.

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sounds like a typical wobbly DDB pup - they're not known for a perfect gait at that age :laugh: Call your breeder first, if you can take a video and send it to them that would be better. Big dogs like that have a sloppy walk for quite a long time I wouldnt panic about HD this early.

I think HD is becoming a bit of a catchphrase the way separation anxiety was in the late 90's/early 2000's.

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Thanks for your replies. I can't remember my first DDB having any issue with the wobblies, but back then I had very little idea about HD. I will say that this pup seems to grow soooooo quickly, I thought it might be due to that.

I guess I am paranoid coz she plays flat out with my mums Jack Russel.

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