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Girls Versus Boys


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Which do you prefer

I have always had a boy and the rest of my dogs girls, the girls always go to the kennels when in season except for once they are desexed.

I am thinking of getting another dog and cant decide a girl or a boy

I have always found girls are much cleaner and dont have bits that rub on you.

But girls can also be bitches where boys appear to be lovable bears.

So which do you choose and why.

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Hmm I've had... 3 boys and 3 girls. I much prefer boys. I'll probably only ever get another bitch if it's because I've got two Akitas at once. Otherwise I much prefer the personality of boys. They seem to be much smoochier which I like. Can't say that I get bits rubbed on me :rofl:

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I don't have a preference but my last two dogs have been girls.

The good thing about girls is tat they don't accidently "miss" and wee on themselves or on any other undesirable object.

And they only pee out on necessity and don't want to mark everything in sight.

Seasons are painful but I have always had desexed females.

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I've always owned 2 dogs at a time, and it's usually just worked out (not on purpose) that I have owned, and still do, one of each sex.

My dogs have always been desexed. I have had X's breds and now purebreds .

I can't say I personally prefer one over the other. I think most of my males have been a little bit more sookier than my females. But all of them have been just as loving. My females have probably been a bit more independent.

I am eventually going to get a tri colour Cav, and the sex of it will not bother me with which one I end up getting :)

ps None of my male dogs have ever rubbed their bits on me, not intentionally anyway :o

Edited by Jules♥Cavs
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Guest donatella

I definitely think boys are more cuddlier and affectionate whereas girls more independent and nosey. I wish my little girl was more cuddly but she's 6 months old and even now prefers to sleep in her dog bed in the lounge to my bed which she has access to at all times (i guess that's not such a bad thing to some). But bitches are very loyal to their owners. I went to get a boy with mine but she was the last in the litter so I got a girl, love her to bits of course, will just have to get a little boy next :thumbsup:

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DO you mean boys are more cuddly and affetcionate to all people?

My girl is very cuddly and affectionate with me but she doesn't really care much for the attention of others- she enjoys a pat, but isn't one of those dogs that is desperate to be patted and won't even cuddle up to other members of my family if I'm around.

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I prefer boys, my family has always had girls because my mum likes the bitchy dynamics and that extra independent streak. I prefer boys, I like that they don't have those bitchy moments and that they are more cuddly.

I got a girl this time around because I thought in the long term it would work better with Buster, I adore Quinn but she's king bitch around here, her and my sister girl Mac tolerate each other but arn't crazy about each other, they spat over stupid things and generally just act like girls... especially when they are PMSing.

My next dog will be a another boy for sure.

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I have two of each and they both have thier advantages. The boys have better temperaments, but they don't have much up top. The girls are easier to train and I prefer the size of the girls.

I love both, but given a choice I'd probably go for a girl. They seem to grab my heart more.

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The good thing about girls is tat they don't accidently "miss" and wee on themselves or on any other undesirable object.

And they only pee out on necessity and don't want to mark everything in sight.

Entire females do mark - some constantly. One of mine has to cock her leg on every spot in the yard where the males have, and on power pole... And subsequently frequently pees on her trousers/feathering. So very similar to a male.

Either gender if desexed will be less prone to this though.

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I definitely think boys are more cuddlier and affectionate whereas girls more independent and nosey.

This describes my current pair perfectly :laugh: although they're both pretty nosy I guess. My girl is sooky and loves pats but doesn't like to feel enclosed, whereas my boy is happy to be hugged, picked up (also known as 'seizing the weasel'), sit on your lap etc. - a total teddy bear dog.

My Mum was always very insistent growing up that we have girl dogs and boy horses, and muttered about boy dogs 'peeing on everything' :laugh: But I'd be happy to have either.

Oh, and my girl (desexed) does still cock her legs on some things (mostly where another dog has just peed), although nowhere near as often as my boy of course

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The good thing about girls is tat they don't accidently "miss" and wee on themselves or on any other undesirable object.

And they only pee out on necessity and don't want to mark everything in sight.

Entire females do mark - some constantly. One of mine has to cock her leg on every spot in the yard where the males have, and on power pole... And subsequently frequently pees on her trousers/feathering. So very similar to a male.

Either gender if desexed will be less prone to this though.

My desexed female marks on walks, though she doesn't cock her leg. She's a very dominant girl so I expect that's why. My entire bitch does not, but she is most definitely way down at the bottom of the pack.

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I have always had girls, I just find they are so much more placid and easier to train.

Archie is my first boy, and I am pleasantly surprised at how much calmer he is, though he is 15mths old. He is very easy to train, he is also very smart and tries to trick you into thinking things....for instance he will go outside, sniff the grass, and come proudly back wanting to go inside. He thinks he's tricked me into thinking he's gone to the toilet ;) he does this a lot. :laugh:


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The good thing about girls is tat they don't accidently "miss" and wee on themselves or on any other undesirable object.

And they only pee out on necessity and don't want to mark everything in sight.

Our big girly used to mark everything, cock her leg and everything, she was top dog her entire life and marked as much as the boys do, if not more.

My sisters bitch has never marked in her life, she's 5 now and when Quinn came into heat for the first time she started marking over Quinn's pee, she hasn't stopped and now wants to mark over the top of Quinn every time they go out, she still doesn't mark over Buster's pee though. interesting dynamics. Quinn doesn't mark but we are getting another female pup in a couple of months so we'll see how that changes things again.

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I really could not choose! I think its more individual personality than anything!

My boy is a mummies boy but my girl is one of those bright and bubbly dogs that loves everyone! My boy is more independent whereas my girl just smooches and cuddles all day!

Bubby is a one human sort of dog.

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So much of it depends on the personality of the dog too I guess.

Growing up we always had female dogs, and when I got my own I was only ever going to get a female - I'd been raised with that old phurphy that 'boy' dogs are pissers & humpers and not as clean as girls.

Well, Tess does her fair share of peeing (she's definitely an alpha) and will pee on top of every scent she comes across, and cocks her leg doing it. She's also a bit of a grub and will walk in things (her food bowl, her water bowl) but I think that's also a size & age thing now. She's very demanding of attention and will sit & cry if you don't pat her when she wants it, and will stubbornly shove her head under your hand if you stop patting (or your elbow, or your armpit)...... **

Fleming on the other hard is soft & gentle and very clean & fastidious. He never even attempted to hump anything until he met Esky the Husky :laugh: . He doesn't mark as such (although he does pee a lot). He's not demanding of attention like Tess is, but he's a lot more affectionate than her.

Some of the male fosters I've had have completely lived up to the phurphy though !!

I couldn't choose a gender preference now for myself. A lot would come down to what dogs I had at the time and their personalities (ie if something happened to Flemo I'd have to get another male, I couldn't have a female with Tess who is such an alpha bitch) but for me it would very much come down to the personality of the dog. Gender wouldn't really come into it.

** Disclaimer - I don't let her get away with this !!

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I had always had male dogs but when i got Misha i wanted a girl as already had a boy. I find she is very loving and sooky with one person (me) where as my male is very sooky with everyone who will pat him! I find males easier to take to the toilet..will wee anywhere any time where as my female it has to be the right spot and right moment and she wont wee on lead. They have a great relationship and i think if i had gotten another male id have issues with 2 males so will also get the combo.

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