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Dogs Who Save Us


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I had a GSD called Merlin - One hot night when Merlin was about 6/7 months old a stranger tried to climb through the window into my bedroom when Merlin was asleep on the bed - all I saw was an arm come through the open window - I gasped and before I could say anything Merlin flew off the bed and grabbed the arm.

Whoever it was screamed and I had to grab hold of Merlin to prevent him from being dragged out the open high window. By the time I got to the door the guy had jumped the fence but Merlin was angry and pumped, growled & barked. I rang the police who located a young man with a 'bite' to his forearm. I couldnt ID the young man when thepolice pulled him out of the paddy wagon but Merlin nearly threw himself through the fence at the guy - who dived back into the paddy wagon when he saw Merlin.

Lovely gentle boy with friends and kids but Merlin became a little too protective of me around men so I donated him to the police in 99 when he was about 12-13 months. He served for 5 years until his untimely death. Oh and when Merlin left town and I moved with my dogs- 5 houses were broken into in my street in the following week. My neighbours loved Merlin :)

Edited by Tapua
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Dogs save us in other ways too. In jan 2009 we movef to Perth from overseas, I had left my dogs with my mum, had to leave my horse and eventually send him to the bridge and my cats were in quarantine. I knew barely anyone here and i was very lonely. I put my name down for a pup and Mason came along and was born in april 2011 and came home early June. Since iv had him iv made so many friends and been so happy. He has filled my life with joy and happiness and i achieved my goal of wantinh to compete in obedience.

Edited by Mason_Gibbs
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Dogs save us in other ways too. In jan 2009 we movef to Perth from overseas, I had left my dogs with my mum, had to leave my horse and eventually send him to the bridge and my cats were in quarantine. I knew barely anyone here and i was very lonely. I put my name down for a pup and Mason came along and was born in april 2011 and came home early June. Since iv had him iv made so many friends and been so happy. He has filled my life with joy and happiness and i achieved my goal of wantinh to compete in obedience.

That is very very true Mason-Gibbs dogs sooth and comfort the lonely, broken, lost or frightened heart :D

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Dogs save us in other ways too. In jan 2009 we movef to Perth from overseas, I had left my dogs with my mum, had to leave my horse and eventually send him to the bridge and my cats were in quarantine. I knew barely anyone here and i was very lonely. I put my name down for a pup and Mason came along and was born in april 2011 and came home early June. Since iv had him iv made so many friends and been so happy. He has filled my life with joy and happiness and i achieved my goal of wantinh to compete in obedience.

That is very very true Mason-Gibbs dogs sooth and comfort the lonely, broken, lost or frightened heart :D

:) I noticed I made a typo Mason was born in 2009 not 2011 lol

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Keira stopped our housemates car from getting broken into one night.

She was barking and barking and we couldn't work out what at, we looked outside saw nothing it wasn't until the next morning we found our housemates rear triangle window smashed, but that is as far as they got.

I tend to trust my dogs instincts both are very people friendly so if they are put off by someone there is usually a reason.

On the flip side a couple weeks ago my sisters partners Ex (sorry confusing I know) showed up at our house drunk with 2 friends (1 male, 1 female) at 10 at night looking for their son, banging on my door, I went out opened the door and they pushed into the house (I had shut my bedroom door and told the dogs to stay) there was a lot of screaming and yelling, about 30 seconds in Keira comes trotting out of the room.....and did nothing LMAO! She just wandered out slowly like she knew she shouldn't have left the room (it is a sliding door they can open on will) but wanted to see what the commotion was, I went and put her back in my room. I tend to think she didn't get fired up about it because it wasn't really a dangerous situation, obviously there wasn't any malicious intentions other than to scream and yell.

Mason-Gibbs I agree. Last year my 4 year relationship ended 3 months later I bought home Phoenix, she is my heart dog, she has changed my life. I went from being alone and depressed with only 1- 2 friends to happy, independent with so so many good friends, friends I met through her (dog training) and a new career path on the horizon. I couldn't be happy and I attribute my huge life change to my baby girl.

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lovely stories everyone :)

Many years ago when I was two or three, I was whining and whining to my mother to take me to pick up my sisters from the busstop after they finished school. The bus arrived at 4 pm, I was whining at 11 am so mum wouldn't take me. I decided to go myself and our little daschund (sp?) followed me. Mum noticed I was missing, frantically got in the car and was driving all over the neighbourhood trying to find me calling out my name. Eventually after some hours had passed she called out the dog's name and the dog came running up a driveway - I was quite happily playing in the backyard of a place in the sandpit.

I have a large boofy golden retreiver who I thought wouldn't hurt a fly. But my niece and a friend drove into my place at midnight, I went out to greet them and Onslow went with me. His hackles went straight up, he started growling and barking until Lissy said "hey Ons whats wrong" and then tail started wagging, big grin on his face and he ran up to her.

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