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Dogs Who Save Us


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So, it's 3.45am.

Elysia just went sick while my housemate was out having a smoke.

By sick I mean that she went hackles raised, fur up, growling like a man-dog with all the testosterone of a weight lifter. Turns out some *people* (word changed for forum), were attempting to break into my car. She wouldn't let sue outside and her barking and growling scared them off. So now all my car has is a bunch of grubby finger prints.

This isn't the first time Elysia has saved our necks! A while ago Sue was in the backyard (At another house), the property backed onto a small paddock and then onto the train tracks. There was someone stealing the copper from the tracks (worth a tonne of money and the bane of the cops here), and the guy/person was attempting to traffic it through the property. According to the police these guys can get fairly violent and have assaulted some people along the track. This particular time, Elysia scared them off as well, she wont allow us to cross her or the other person to cross over to us. As far as we can see she wouldn't hurt us, we just wont dare take her on when she's being protective like that, as there is usually a very good reason she's worried.

I was wondering if anyone has ever had their dog physically protect them as well? Elysia is the friendliest dog, when she sense people of any kind she wags her tail and becomes very happy, children, drunks, elderly ladies, teens walking past. She seems to sense the bad people and seems to know when we are in danger. I think it is beautiful that she is so protective, having saved her owner from what could have been a very bad outcome, and for saving my car tonight.

We feel a lot safer with her around (that said I cannot WAIT to move house in November, I'm sick of these *people* trying to run off with our cars!!!)

Good Work Elysia, I'm a very proud Aunty ^.^ :D

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Many years ago I had a rough collie who to this day was the friendliest, softest, most well socialised dog I have ever know. He loved everyone and all animals as well. Not a mean bone in his body.

He came everywhere with me, and I travelled a bit, so he had done the occasional warning growl to protect/alert me.

However one time I was walking along a bush track - Kurrie was behind me sniffing around, and a man came out of the bushes and grabbed me. I screamed (of course) and Kurrie came running and flew at him. I think he was going for his neck but the guy put his elbow up and Kurrie got his arm. After a brief scuffle the guy ran off bleeding.

Honestly I can't remember too much clearly but the police thought he was wonderful, so did I.

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I had a horse shy at a taipan once, it threw me and I hit the ground head first.

I was knocked out, I wasnt alone, I had my Blue Healer and a friend with me.

The healer sat next to me and on me, she barked and annoyed me and kept me concious, while my friend went the few ks to get the ute.

The same dog also kept a drunk who had taken the wrong driveway and ended up at my place.

He was very angry and tried to force his way into my home.

Ringer sat at the door showing him her teeth, then when he finally acceptred he wasnt going to get in. My neighbour and my dog chased him down the driveway.

Neighbour had a shotgun, Ringer had her teeth.

She saved me from a lot of problems when she kept me awake.

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I had a Jack Russell x Chihuahua, Jayne, who saved me from a snake. It was a small one, about a metre long, on the patio hiding behind a bag of mulch while I was gardening. I saw this white and tan bullet fly by me, then Jayne shot back out onto the lawn with a dead snake. He nailed it behind the head, killed it straight away and then took it away from me. He was such a brave little guy. Still miss him every day.

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When we first moved to Melbourne my sister and I were watching TV on the floor using our lab as a pillow and my parents were upstarts unpacking.

My Dad found a scream mask and thought it would be fun to scare us. First thing we knew about it was when Jackson leapt over us and we turned around to my Dad screaming "NO...Its me!!!" ripping the mask off - Jackson mid-leap aiming around head height....

Not a real situation but he responded valiantly never the less.

Hes never admitted it but we all recon my Dad c**ped his dacks that day.

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My golden girl, Jazz has saved me from getting into strife a few times.

First time was when she was quite young and we were walking in a wetland area at the back of some houses, but otherwise nobody was around. She kept looking back which was unusual for her. There was a guy following us - i didn't worry about it at first but then she started a low growl. She then pulled me through a walkway to get into a street, so then i worried - the guy did not go past, so he had turned around once she pulled me into a street.

Another time, i was walking along lost in my own thoughts and she pulled me suddenly - i was headed into a huge ditch :laugh: - she is such an awesome girl :thumbsup: . I trust her instincts fully

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My 2 girls who are now over the bridge ( ridgeback x bullmastiffs) saved my life heaps of times, I lived in a country where you would be killed for the shoes off your feet and they never let anyone set foot on our property they were great protectors, sadly my mum had to have them put to sleep in february ( 1 had cancer and 1 bad arthritis, they were litter sisters) and 3 weeks later she was robbed!!

I think my lab Mason would protect me if someone had to try do anything to me, often when Im out walking him he will keep looking back at people, for some reason he just wont like them and he is the friendliest lab normally :D

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I hope my pup will be a growler. At our house we get burgled and they try to get the cars all the time despite being frightened off a lot. We are moving in November so when matt goes away I will be home alone. I used to not be afraid of anything but my outlook on life has changed a lot over the years and trust that everything will 'be okay' doesn't come easily. It would be nice to have a growler :)

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Never had a dog save me but she was brillant none the less. When my daughter was a baby, Phebes would be guard dog. She would stand between her and the person looking and left no doubt in any ones minds that she was protecting my DD. if they got to close, Phebes would issue a low growl. If I was outside and she was sleeping and woke up, Pheobe would come to the back landing and bark until i came upstairs. She did the same when the phone rang. Pheobe wasnt a large dog, she was a small white fluff ball but with a huge personality.

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I was at the beach one time with my (now ex) partner and Zeus my Dogue de Bordeaux. The waves were crashing in but it was hot so the partner went in for a dip. I went to go in too but Zeus kept coming in after me! I tried to stop him and make him stay on the beach but he wouldn't have it. My partner sat with him so I could go in but he wasn't having that either!! :o He would have drowned if he'd gone too far in because the waves were fairly strong and about hip height.....so I ended up having to sit it out and watch my partner splash about from the safety of the beach with Zeus sitting protectively next to me. Lol. He was my heart dog. :heart:

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When I was 11 dad got me a staffy x cairn puppy from the rspca-riff raff. He was about 8 weeks old when we got him. Dad had a friend staying with us at the time who didn't know anything about the pup. His friend was going to be home late that night and dad asked him to stick his head in my room and check on me before he went to bed. Riff slept in my room from the first night. Apparently around midnight dad woke up to hear his friend yelling and swearing and falling onto things and went tearing out to find our teeny pup hanging off his mates jeans growling for all he was worth. Riff looked after me well for the rest of his life-he was a bugger of a dog but after that first night he could do no wrong in dads eyes.

On the flip side is doof, who was missing one morning a few years ago when we woke up. we called him for ages and eventually found him hiding under the bed (impressive as he can't actually fit under our bed without a massive struggle). Took us half sn hour to coax him out. We couldn't work out what was wrong with him till we went to the garage and found some of the cars broken into!! I never expected doof to defend us but he could have at least woken us up to hide with him!!!!

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My Jrt didnt save me - she saved herself. We walk the same block during the week, and there is a very vicious, scary dog, (no need to name breeds) and I hate it so we run past it. It is always out the back so by the time we get past he is only just getting to the fence. Last Week Pumpit got about a half house away and refused to walk. I couldnt budge her. So we ended up crossing the road, because that was the only way she would walk. As we crossed the road, i glanced back and the scary dog was waiting crouched in the corner hiding behind the fence. Pumpit knew .

The sad part is the scary dog is now in a small cage, I believe someone has complained to council, and now I feel sorry for it.

Dogs do wonderful things don't they. :D

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Twice now, my idiot neighbours have fallen asleep drunk with a pan on the stove. Their house has filled with smoke, alarms gone off, emergency services arrived & we all have slept though it, until Honey has woken me up barking and pacing. Both times she has done it.

We live in an attached terrace so I find it quite reassuring- I like to think if it was a more serious fire I could rely on her alerting me. She is such a good girl. :D

She's also an awesome watch dog. Sweet as pie if you meet her, but very scary sounding on the other side of our front door. I shut the blinds when we are out- no use ruining the illusion by seeing she is a pretty Goldie rather than demon dog! :laugh:

My poor postie refuses to believe me she is gentle & won't even pat her when I'm home and trying to help them make friends! :rofl:

I often leave the main front door open in nice weather, with the security door locked, & she will lie there watching & guarding the house. Gives a scary display of protecting me when someone comes to the door. Even scared my OH once when she didn't recognize him in the dark!

I'm positive it's all bluff, but as a deterrent, it makes me feel a lot safer.

Walking with her though, she is no help! She wags her tail at junkies & has growled at an old man (he looked like our postie! :laugh: ) & woofs at harmless people in beanies.

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Hehehehe such wonderful stories! It goes the other way too I suppose, I am to get my first dog (purely mine) in December, he's just been born and I've not even met him yet but already I feel so protective and covetous! Wonder what it will be like when he finally comes home heheh

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Just this last Wednesday night around 7.00 p.m. we were in our kitchen/dining area when all of a sudden out of nowhere an indian man appeared from around the corner of our laundry which is where the back door is.....we looked at him and all he could say was "29 baby" I turned to ask some friends if he was with them (they had just arrived) they shrugged their shoulders as if to say not with them and then we heard this awful noise....Dezzy came skating along the tiles on the kitchen floor with Jessie saying I am going to join in too but u can do all the growling....my husband got between the intruder and Dezzy and he said he had to use all his force to hold Dezzy back from getting to this guy....I got past and called Dezzy who came and I put him in a room and locked him in there....the guy had gone through our side gate and slipped the latch under the padlock and walked straight through the back door...I always thought that Dezzy would lick an intruder and say take what u want but I think ourselves and kids along with our house are going to be pretty safe :rofl:

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Just this last Wednesday night around 7.00 p.m. we were in our kitchen/dining area when all of a sudden out of nowhere an indian man appeared from around the corner of our laundry which is where the back door is.....we looked at him and all he could say was "29 baby" I turned to ask some friends if he was with them (they had just arrived) they shrugged their shoulders as if to say not with them and then we heard this awful noise....Dezzy came skating along the tiles on the kitchen floor with Jessie saying I am going to join in too but u can do all the growling....my husband got between the intruder and Dezzy and he said he had to use all his force to hold Dezzy back from getting to this guy....I got past and called Dezzy who came and I put him in a room and locked him in there....the guy had gone through our side gate and slipped the latch under the padlock and walked straight through the back door...I always thought that Dezzy would lick an intruder and say take what u want but I think ourselves and kids along with our house are going to be pretty safe :rofl:

Go Dezzy :thumbsup:

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I heard a growl from my bedroom one night and assumed my female GSDxdobe wanted to go to sleep and had kicked my male GSD pup out. Before I went to bed I was shutting the bedroom window with my girl and realised the flyscreen wasn't there. It had been removed and propped up against the house. I was alone apart from my dogs and during the phone call to police, sort of lost it. I ended up with 2 patrol cars arriving.

Funny thing is, the police asked if they could take the GSD. :shrug:

Both have since passed on but it's a night I will never forget. Still miss her. She was a pain but I new no-one would hurt me with her around.

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just last week my kelpie cross girl "protected" mt nearly 10 yr old disabled son

My mum was staying as i had just got out of hospital, and she had left the frount door unlocked, so my son opened the dr and ran off, Jess was quick to follow, barking the whole way alerting us all to where he was and where he had gone, she stayed with him, and even growled at a neighbour that tried to stop my son from running off.

she has decided that her job is to look after him,we only got her in april this yr

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