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Keeping Dog's Teeth Clean


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why are you cutting them? They are meant to be huge and the dog is meant to be sitting there gnawing away at them. Raw meaty bones are not made to be swallowed they are made to be chewed and ripped for the dogs teeth and jaw muscles. As long as it's meat on edible bone he will be fine to have them as part of his diet.

My bold.

'zackly! It's the sitting there for 15 minutes or whatever, GNAWING/CHEWING and having a whole meal that is worked for which makes meaty bones a wonderful , natural thing :)

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We used to use chicken wings / necks , but then had a very scary choking incident , which put me off giving them to our little one...

I am now back on to daily brushing - it sometimes can be a chore , but it is all part of grooming and it does keep her teeth pearly white !

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LoveMyRottie- what is this "PlaqueOff Powder" that you are referring to?

I don't give mine bones due to previous episodes of bones getting stuck. They hsve dry kibble and will be revisiting the Nylabone know that my younger girl is not into demolishing anything.

BTW this is a very interesting and knowledgeable topic- not only for "newbies" but also for those of us who have had dogs since childhood :thumbsup:

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hey there! i only found out about this product through the "plaque remover" thread on here and googled reviews on the internet about it with positive results so that's why i'm going to try it :thumbsup:

here's some quick info on it -

plaque off for animals is a natural product, suitable for both cats and dogs. plaque off contains a special seaweed which is compressed into a granulated from, easy to add to your pet's food daily. plaque off is beneficial for oral health, helping to control bad breath, tartar and the build up of plaque. plaque off is absorbed into the bloodstream and helps saliva to efficiently dissolve tartar and prevent the formation of further layers. enriched with natural iodine with minerals and vitamins, plaque off contains no artificial ingredients.

i ordered mine off ebay, http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/260853177540?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649

Edited by lovemyrottie
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My two dogs (Kelpies) tend to gobble chicken necks or wings and I had difficulty getting a regular, reliable, good quality supply of lamb flaps so I've switched to buying turkey wings from the supermarket. These are perfect for my two - they get turkey wings at least once a week and they LOVE them. It means that their teeth are beautiful and white. Every time I see anything vaguely brownish on a tooth, they get turkey wings and then they have lovely white teeth again :) We supervise their eating and they crunch away most diligently. I was incredibly happy to find something that they liked that was suitable and easy to buy.

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