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Can someone out there in the 'know' answer me a question regarding judging in Dancing With Dogs please.

What criteria was required for judges to be accredited when this sport was first recognized. In other words, who was deemed qualified by their state body, to judge a new sport that had not had anyone attain a title yet.

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Angelsun - glad you're asking this question. ;)

You'll find the Judges Training Scheme Guidelines for DWD here - DWD is second discipline on the list - click on Judges Training Scheme guidelines. I believe it was able to be more flexible because the rules were drafted by a working party separate from any other existing ANKC Committee.

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Looking at the collection of people who I know are going through the judges training in our state for DWD the criteria must have been very flexible as they are a real mixed bunch (I don't mean that in a bad sense) its just a very varied group of people from a number of backgrounds.

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The core judges in WA were already obedience judges and a number of us had already had experience with unofficial competitions and demos. We had of course already done the ethics and rules and regs for our obedience judge accreditation. We have one judge on our panel who was not already an obedience judge and that person had to do the required ANKC rules and regs and ethics part of the exam.

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Thanks for the info. Bedazzeldx2, does this mean there IS provision or WAS, for a current non obedience judge to obtain a permit for that sport (I'm meaning prior to the sport being actually in place) or was this done AFTER the sport was recognized?

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Sorry angelsun...I don't know the exact timing. I know there are a few DWD judges around Australia who are not Obedience judges. Qld comes to mind.

Thanks for the info. Bedazzeldx2, does this mean there IS provision or WAS, for a current non obedience judge to obtain a permit for that sport (I'm meaning prior to the sport being actually in place) or was this done AFTER the sport was recognized?

Edited by bedazzledx2
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There are trainee judges here who have not titled in the sport and who aren't judges in any other discipline - in fact I am pretty sure none of the SA trainee judges are judges in any other discipline.

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In QLD it was open to anyone who was interested in becoming DWD judges. Most of these people came from within the sport ie had already performed in displays or fun competitions, or those that already held ANKC judges licenses ie obedience, tracking, agility, comformation. We all had to undertake prior training and pass both ANKC rules, Reg and Ethics like Bedazzled has said. Once you passed the exams we received an open license and are qualified to judge any grade of DWD.

Our training program is quite intensive covering all aspects of judging competitions, it is an excellent program for those of us who were not already ANKC judges.

As I understand it future judges must come from within the sport and they are only given starter licenses (can only judge the starter classes)and must work their way up through the classes like obedience judges have to do. These judges must also pass through the judges training program before being allowed to take the exams.

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