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Im Terrified My Golden Retriever Bitch May Have Pyo


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My almost 6 year old golden bitch came into season approx 4 weeks ago. Everything seemed fine and she seemed to go thru a normal heat cycle. However approx a week ago she started bleeding heavier, bright red blood, dripping from her. She has had split seasons in the past so I assumed that was what had happened.

Tonight she refused food. Shes hunched up like her belly hurts. She has no fever but bright red discharge. Gums nice pink colour. Belly feels very firm, too firm.

Phoned the vet he said start her on antibiotics and bring her in tomorrow morning.

I am FREAKING she may have pyo. Does her presentation fit with pyo?

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I've read that too indigirl.

I can't offer any advice but hope your girl is OK. Do you have an emergency vet in Broken Hill? I'd imagine you'll get no sleep worrying so maybe you should take her in now. At least you will feel you are doing something.

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I've read that too indigirl.

I can't offer any advice but hope your girl is OK. Do you have an emergency vet in Broken Hill? I'd imagine you'll get no sleep worrying so maybe you should take her in now. At least you will feel you are doing something.

No i called the vet he said bring her in tomorrow morning. I wil jsut monitor her thru the night.

I lost my kitten a few days ago so I think the vet may think im overly concerned about my other animals now, as I was very distressed over my kitten.

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Mum's old girl had pyo ... the discharge was definitely NOT bright blood- it was as you'd expect from an infection .. pussy grey muck.... She didn't show any other symptoms. On vet advice I put her straight on AB's ,and she went to the vet next day to be speyed- no problems with recovery .

Hope all is well with your girl . :hug:

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Mum's old girl had pyo ... the discharge was definitely NOT bright blood- it was as you'd expect from an infection .. pussy grey muck.... She didn't show any other symptoms. On vet advice I put her straight on AB's ,and she went to the vet next day to be speyed- no problems with recovery .

Hope all is well with your girl . :hug:

I have only ever had in one and the symptoms where the same as the above.

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Thinking of you and your girl.

I had two bitches get pyo. One was a bitch that hadnt even been mated. She was medicated but when she was mated at her next season, she once again developed pyo, as well as her mum.

Luckily they both pulled through and were spayed straight away.

It is a very nasty infection

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Glad to hear that your bitch is ok and home with you.

Did the vet say if it was a closed or open pyro.

I have been so lucky and only ever had one with pyro and that was an open pyro.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery for the both of you. (I know how tiring it can be looking after them).

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