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Spayed Dog Blood Urine


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I have a 8 month old english pointer. She was spayed at 6 months and had a few complications with that. The wound became infected and her body was rejecting the internal stitches but this eventually sorted out with 2 courses of antibiotics. During that time I noticed she would often have bloody discharge after going to the toilet. The vet said that was quite normal and wasn't concerned. Anyway 2 months on and everything normal, I noticed this afternoon that the bloody discharge is back. Only a really tiny amount but I'm just a little concerned about what is causing it. Anyone have any ideas?

Edited by tiff-689
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As it turned out the bleeding ceased that day and i decided to keep an eye on it. Exactly one week later (last friday) i woke up to her acting very quiet, shaky and off her food. Blood was present again. Took her into the vet that morning and the prognosis was much more than we were all expecting! She had a rapid heart rate and temp of 42 and was admitted for blood tests and x-rays. She had developed Peritonitis and the vet discovered a tennis ball sized abscess in her abdomen (something he said he had never seen before) That afternoon she had the surgery to remove the abscess. She bounced back very quickly after the surgery and we able to take her home the next day. The pathology results on the abscess indicated it to basically be a big ball of infectious tissue with pockets of foreign bacteria. Possible causes could be unsterile surgery equipment used during her spay surgery (this was done at a different vet) It could have even been a bit of swab left behind but so much time has passed since the spay and now that nothing was identifiable. Unfortunately, as is with the case in humans, some dogs just seem to be more susceptible to infections.

In either case, she seems like a whole new carefree and happy dog now and is on the mend :)

Edited by tiff-689
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