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Associate Registerattion For Bull Breed Crosses

Dory the Doted One

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The answer to 'protecting' peoples dogs is quite simple really. It lies with OWNERS. Don't buy dogs you know are going to be in the crosshairs without pedigree papers.

In Victoria, it seems that the way our laws have been written, even if you have got papers to testify your dog is a pure-bred "xxx", it does not grant you an exemption from the "fits the description" law UNLESS your dog is certified as an AmStaff.

Only pointing this out for Victorians.

Don't take me as the gospel - I'm catching up with all of this but the Government have made such a circus of the laws that it is incredibly difficult to tease it out to make sense of it.

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I believe the standard does fit your average staffy cross- probably around 75% of the points do. We still don't know how much of the standard the dog needs to meet to be in trouble.

And this has nothing to do with temperament, though i imagine rangers may use their discretion, they are human after all. In the meantime we wait and see- what a great way to live.

On another note though- i received a letter from council the other day informaing me that excess animals permits no linger need to be renewed annually and only need to be renewed if the situation/ number of dogs changes. Interesting that they are relaxing that whilst all these laws come into effect.

That is interesting regarding the excess animals permits Cosmolo. I wonder if all councils will bring this in. I hope so. Maybe they are trying to cut down the workload in other dog areas because of all the extra work involved in the new RB laws.

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I believe the standard does fit your average staffy cross- probably around 75% of the points do. We still don't know how much of the standard the dog needs to meet to be in trouble.

And this has nothing to do with temperament, though i imagine rangers may use their discretion, they are human after all. In the meantime we wait and see- what a great way to live.

On another note though- i received a letter from council the other day informaing me that excess animals permits no linger need to be renewed annually and only need to be renewed if the situation/ number of dogs changes. Interesting that they are relaxing that whilst all these laws come into effect.

That is interesting regarding the excess animals permits Cosmolo. I wonder if all councils will bring this in. I hope so. Maybe they are trying to cut down the workload in other dog areas because of all the extra work involved in the new RB laws.

I think you may have hit the nail on the head there Sumosmum. The time and cost to Councils will be absolutely enormous.

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What other pedigree dog would fit the standard set out though Erny?

I have given this little consideration, Cosmolo, because of being busy with matters that require more immediate attention (I hope that makes sense) .... but one of the things I'm NOT going to do is provide a list to make it easier for any authority to read and target. Not saying they'd bother with anything I said, but I'd prefer to be cautious. So I mean no offence to you by declining setting it all out in writing publicly, but happy to speak with you about it direct though, if you want to call me :).

But yes ... in many respects it might be pure-breeds who are born simply not fitting the standards of their own true breed.

ETA: And the thing is, the above is irrelevant. It is the FACT of the extra-ordinarily badly written bad laws that the only dog-breed that fits the "type" prescribed by the Govt that can be excused by a breed-certificate is the AmStaff. I'm pleased for the AmStaffies .... but it remains as a law disgustingly written by Parliament that has been accepted by Parliament. We pay them but they are not working for us - they are unto themselves.

ETA: The question wasn't a silly one and sometimes it is difficult to remember that "we" who speak here on DOL are not an exclusive community. Thanks for understanding and editing, K&H.

Edited by Erny
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Given that the Lab and SBT are #1 and #2 pedigree dogs in Australia, and given that SBT's are notorious for fence climbing, I'd guess the SBT x Lab is one of the most common mixes in Australia. Lots of 'em show up in pounds and boarding kennels. Many but not all of the X's end out with floppy ears, and thus probably won't be bagged as pit bull look alikes. How stupid can you get. If a pup gets the erect ear gene, it's dangerous. If not, it's safe.

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