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Return Of The Swf


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Okay a few months before I got zorro I came on to here with a problem about 3 swfs that where always on the road and finally the council after months or calling them wet around and told them to keep there dogs properly contained or They would be taken ( that was after I had hit one with my car ). So they have put up a fence after keeping them inside but they just leave them out the front and today I took zorro for his walk up the road then they came flying over to us barking and growling ( they are about the same size as zorro) he was so scares but I picked him up then the little sh@$ts started snapping at my ankles!! Thankfully the new guy on the street who is building his house ran over with his gsd and helped try to shoo the dogs away but it wasn't until the gsd who bit one of the little dogs ( after it was snapping at his ankles) that they ran away. Anyway it's was only then that the lady came out of her house and had a go at the guy who helped me and was threatening him!! So I called the council again but because I knew where they came from they will only send a letter to the address and when I said to her that they actually tried to bite me all I got was " oh you said they where only little dogs they wouldn't have hurt you!!!" I'm sick of it I thought it was all over and now we have had people move in over the road who have 2 dogs and they let them outside the front to run around and they shit on my lawn and others lawns I was going to head over there to say hallo and introduce my self and zorro and was goig to ask if they would like to join us on our walk but I got outside and the dogs ran over to me and zorro growling and barking so I quickly got back in side it's such a pain I'm sick of it. Anyway rant over anyone else got dog neighbors from hell or just neighbors?

Sorry for any spelling/ grammar mistakes as I'm on my iPhone.

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The Council are shocking! Oh they are only small so who cares! Argh!

Glad you all come out of it ok. Hope the guy with the GSD is careful because even if his dog doesn't actually hurt them, it is likely the council will have a go at him because his dog is big and a GSD.

I would just keep contacting the council and complaining. Contact a local newspaper or some other media and get them to do a report on how the council is ignoring complaints of dogs running loose in the street. Take photos of the dogs running loose to keep as proof. Are the SWF's registered with your local council?

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Put in a written complaint. Get the neighbour who witnessed it to also put one in (even if you write down the events and get him to sign it etc). They can not dismiss a complaint as easily if it is in writing as opposed to over the phone. Make sure you keep a copy and a good record of events/who you speak to etc.

Edited to add: agree - Guy with GSD needs to be careful.

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Guest lavendergirl

All you can do is keep submitting complaints to the Council. Take photos of the dogs outside of their yard and submit that with the complaint. Be aware that the owner may also complain about the GSD biting her dog if it took place in the street - i.e. the GSD was also outside its yard.

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Yes, sadly GSD owner needs to be most careful. Especially as the incident occurred in the street. Also, if he has just moved into the area his dog may not be registered and this will also be a strike against him.

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the GSD was on a lead he was tied to the house and the guy grabbed him as he ran over to help ( might have thought a big dog would scare them off) the swf's where on his property as i was kinda walking back wards and ended up on it but i know what you mean, lovely GSD tho he was so calm with Zorro jumping on him. i just a pain half the street went to the council office to complain as they where ignoring us and we had written down times and what not, we had finally thought it was over and this week she has put up a proper fence but now she leaves them outside in the front with not fence i mean WTF!! i hit one once i thought that would make her want to keep them in and out of the way but nooo.

( just found out the GSD is an old police dog i went for a walk and we got talking about them i talked about my old GSD ) :D

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I really feel for you. In my old neighbourhood - we couldn't go out for a walk without all the neighbours dogs rushing out and trying to have a go at my dogs. There was one dog that was always on a muzzle when it was walked on lead by the neighbours kids yet allowed to roam around the neighourhood unmuzzled all the rest of the time (!??!)

This wasn't so much as issue for me except that as I owned BTs, if anything happened then of course it would be all my fault.

Their dogs also used to cr@p all over the footpath out the front of my house. What made it worse was one of the neighbours who was one of the worst offenders for letting her dog roam the neighbourhood got up me one day when I was cleaning it up about how it was spoiling the neighbourhood me letting my dogs do that!!! Whatever, I very politely asked her if she would please continue on with her walk immediately or she would be wearing some of what I was shovelling into the bucket.

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Guest Black Obsession

Yes, I had a similiar experience with a neighbour's dogs...and I feel your pain.

They had two small fluffies who barked constantly at everyone who walked by (they kept them in the front yard). They were always leaving their gate open and the small fluffies were left to wander up and down the street, and on the road.

The only time I spoke to the neighbour was when she rocked up at my house one day. I thought she was going to apologise for the barking but nooo...she asked me to pick up her dogs and put them back in their yard, if I ever saw them out and about. She said all the neighbours did it.

And I said absolutely not. Get your gate fixed (it was broken and they tied it shut with a flimsy bit of rope) or put them in your back yard where they are safe. I said it's not my job to look after your dogs...and if you and your dogs ever bother me again, I'm going to call the council.

And she said "Well, you don't have to be like that!" and walked off in a huff.

She put her dogs in their back yard after that. They still barked a bit, though not as much. At least they were safe.

You just have to be polite and persistent. Don't lose your cool, though I know it's hard.

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Simple- Its the owners responsibility to keep their dogs on their own property and under control. The council made the rules and made a promise to its citizens that it would enforce these laws and keep people safe to walk on their streets .the council have been alerted to the pronblem - keep any evidence of written complaints etc and threaten to or even better sue the council for not doing their job if you are threatend or nipped or bitten again.

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