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We are already having problems with bindis this year. Everywhere we go there are massive patches of them that just go on and on. They are still green, but even Kivi is feeling them despite his snowshoes. This afternoon Erik got stuck in a patch and refused to move. I had to carry him about 15m before I found a spot to put him down that wasn't just a carpet of bindis. I'm wondering if I should buy them boots to give their footsies a break? Or will their paw pads toughen up? I can't remember in the past how they have coped over the full summer. My corgi always used to refuse to move when she found herself in a bindi patch. The dog park usually has a big one near the carpark, but we have always been able to skirt around it in the past, I think. There are a lot more bindis this year. I don't remember Kivi ever suffering much in the past.

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I have only noticed this myself in the last couple of days.I thought it was just me but I've never seen so many bindis in my life.We usually walk around the perimeter of the rugby oval but today my two struggled and we ended up walking on the edge of the road.Mine love romping around the oval but by the time summer hits and they crisp up there is no way we'll be able to walk there it is as you said literally a carpet of bindis.

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My "tough" GSD hates bindis. He just stands still with paw raised looking pathetic. I bought some cheap boots at the end of last prickle season. Will be trying them this year as we have moved into the country and have no chance of lawns anywhere. I thought that as they cost less than $20 for 4, it was worth it. If they work, I will invest in better ones.

(They did come in handy when he hurt a pad earlier this year)

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My dad goes around his property every year and pulls up all the bindis. He was telling me last week that he has pulled up way more this year than he ever remembers pulling up, and more keep appearing. He wanted to know where they were all coming from. I didn't know! I guess it was a warm, wet winter and more of the seeds in the soil bank have germinated than usual?

I might get some boots. I'm kinda worried about how this might pan out in weeks to come. Plus it'll be nice to have something protective to put on Erik's feet when he's so insistent on fooling around in the mangroves and oyster shells.

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