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Muscle Building Supplements


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My dog has being diagnosed (eventually) as having soft tissue damage to her right thigh; she has completely changed her gait and added in skips when slowing down to compensate for the pain/weakness there. She is now on pain meds and inflams along with daily stretches and exercise in water but my vet has suggested trying some muscle building powder to aid the muscles recovering and strengthening quicker (the current concern is she will do a cruciate on her left leg if she doesn't start using her right side properly soon). She didn’t know exactly what to use and said she’ll speak to a few people and get back to me, in the meantime I thought I would ask the knowledgeable dol community for any suggestions/similar stories :)

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Thanks for all your advice guys :-). I order some creatine paste from vet pet direct - this is there spel about it:

CREATINE is a compound of 3 amino acids which is critically involved with energy supply to muscles. During exercise the initial energy supply to muscles is ATP, which releases energy as it is converted to ADP. Creatine in the body may be combined with phosphates as Creatine phosphate, which converts ADP back to ATP so that it can be re-used. Supplementing with Creatine increases the energy supply to muscles. High creatine levels, and thus increased ATP supply, prevent the muscle using glycolysis for energy production. This glycolysis produces lactic acid. By reducing lactic acid production Creatine is delaying the onset of muscle fatigue. In addition, Creatine enhances the bodys ability to make the proteins used during muscle contraction. This results in increased muscle density, size, and strength. CHROMIUM enhances the activity of Insulin. Insulin is vital to many body functions: most importantly in dealing with body sugar and facilitating muscle growth. Supplementation with Chromium has shown in scientific trials in horses, and humans, to increase muscle weight gain and decrease body fat. Many diets are deficient in Chromium, and supplementation is critical for optimal muscle development. Chromium picolinate is a unique, highly absorbable form of Chromium which is very safe. The combination of Creatine and Chromium has an anabolic effect on increasing muscle size and strength, in addition to an improvement in energy supply to muscles during exercise. These effects combine to result in an increase in muscle work output with increased performance.

Composition: Tricreatine malate 200 mg/mL, chromium picolinate 100 microgram/m

Horse: 10 - 15 mL twice daily for five days prior to strenuous exercise, by mouth.

Dogs:1 mL/10 kg bodyweight daily

I may have been sucked in to good marketing though, i like alot of info before i spend money and this fitted the bill :laugh:

Will be adding some whey poweder into her food too.

Thanks again :)

Edited by Megs
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I would check before using something like creatine in your dog, you say she has been diagnosed with a soft tissue injury so her exercise capacity will not be that great at the moment....from my understanding I thought creatine was used in humans and animals that were subject to intense physical activity...i would be concerned about effects on the kidneys also. i would definately check first..

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