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Desperate Help Needed Plz


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If you are going to persist with him, then get your vet to show you how to tube feed

yes i agree, i just spoke with him, he'll be taking him in the morning. I think tube feeding is worth a try, this is my first litter with a sick pup.

its all just new to me i panic ty for your help

So your vet comes to you and will be taking the pup with him - to do what and how long will the pup be gone for?

Do you mean this is your first litter of pups or this is your first sick pup but had other litters?

If the pup has aspiration pneumonia, his chances are slim. I lost a Rottweiler pup from aspiration pneumonia 3 yrs ago - it was really awful what that poor little pup went through, we tried for almost a week before I asked the vet to pts - she was opened up to confirm what we thought, just wish I had her pts sooner.

We somehow saved a Pug pup from AP. It took almost 2 weeks of constant care and help from a wonderful vet and a massive vet bill but he is now 14 months old and in perfect health. Thinking back I have no idea how we managed it - I would not be willing to put another pup (or myself) through that again.

Tubing is safe if done properly, but you would be better off using a small premature baby bottle and nipple than a syringe. The milk may not be good enough either, we will all say that we have had better success with different brands of milk and my personal favorite is the Leerburg Formula.

Good Luck.

the vet came when the puppies were born on monday arvo, but in the we will go to him, my first litter with a sick puppy, ty for your help, i will go to the vet in the morning and take it from there.

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Is the pup gasping for air?

no the puppy nots gasping for air at all, i would rush him to aniaml hospital if that happened,

It was a genuine Q, not trying to offend.

I would not be giving up on this pup yet then. Good luck.

i dont want to eithr, thats what makes this so hard, we will see what the vet says in the morning i have my fingers crossed, i never lost a pup before and that makes it really hard and sad ty so much

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Do you have a heat pad in the whelping box? It is extremely important to keep him warm. He needs this to help digest his milk and for survival. A cold puppy is a miserable puppy. Good luck.

yes hes in a box with a heat lamp but iam taking him in the morning to the vets and take it from there ty so much for all your help

we just didnt expect this

the ultrasound showed all were alive and well

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Do you have a heat pad in the whelping box? It is extremely important to keep him warm. He needs this to help digest his milk and for survival. A cold puppy is a miserable puppy. Good luck.

yes hes in a box with a heat lamp but iam taking him in the morning to the vets and take it from there ty so much for all your help

we just didnt expect this

the ultrasound showed all were alive and well

Things can go wrong during whelping, I think most breeders start to relax when the pups are around 3-4 weeks old - it's just part of breeding.

I have only had 4 litters, only 1 litter was without any issues at all and I really enjoyed that one. However the other 3 were em c sections, pup stuck in birth canal, uterine inertia (x2) including a premature litter (3 out of 8 survived), pups died at birth, had pups pts at 7 1/2 weeks and 3 weeks old as well as the aspiration pneumonia mentioned earlier. Breeding sucks at times, it really does. When everything goes well it is absolutely wonderful.

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Do you have a heat pad in the whelping box? It is extremely important to keep him warm. He needs this to help digest his milk and for survival. A cold puppy is a miserable puppy. Good luck.

yes hes in a box with a heat lamp but iam taking him in the morning to the vets and take it from there ty so much for all your help

we just didnt expect this

the ultrasound showed all were alive and well

Things can go wrong during whelping, I think most breeders start to relax when the pups are around 3-4 weeks old - it's just part of breeding.

I have only had 4 litters, only 1 litter was without any issues at all and I really enjoyed that one. However the other 3 were em c sections, pup stuck in birth canal, uterine inertia (x2) including a premature litter (3 out of 8 survived), pups died at birth, had pups pts at 7 1/2 weeks and 3 weeks old as well as the aspiration pneumonia mentioned earlier. Breeding sucks at times, it really does. When everything goes well it is absolutely wonderful.

I totally agree. You can be 110% prepared but anything can happen.We have also had puppies stuck, emerg. c-sections, eclampsia & stillbirths. Breeding is definitely hard work emotionally & physically. We had 7 puppies born in January during the long hot days. I would get up every 10 - 15 mins throughout the night just to make sure they all got their fair share of milk (especially with the heat). I loved this litter as even though I was sleep deprived for a very short time, we had 7 beautiful healthy puppies with no complications. All litters should be this easy.

Kerry :)

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Do you have a heat pad in the whelping box? It is extremely important to keep him warm. He needs this to help digest his milk and for survival. A cold puppy is a miserable puppy. Good luck.

yes hes in a box with a heat lamp but iam taking him in the morning to the vets and take it from there ty so much for all your help

we just didnt expect this

the ultrasound showed all were alive and well

Things can go wrong during whelping, I think most breeders start to relax when the pups are around 3-4 weeks old - it's just part of breeding.

I have only had 4 litters, only 1 litter was without any issues at all and I really enjoyed that one. However the other 3 were em c sections, pup stuck in birth canal, uterine inertia (x2) including a premature litter (3 out of 8 survived), pups died at birth, had pups pts at 7 1/2 weeks and 3 weeks old as well as the aspiration pneumonia mentioned earlier. Breeding sucks at times, it really does. When everything goes well it is absolutely wonderful.

I totally agree. You can be 110% prepared but anything can happen.We have also had puppies stuck, emerg. c-sections, eclampsia & stillbirths. Breeding is definitely hard work emotionally & physically. We had 7 puppies born in January during the long hot days. I would get up every 10 - 15 mins throughout the night just to make sure they all got their fair share of milk (especially with the heat). I loved this litter as even though I was sleep deprived for a very short time, we had 7 beautiful healthy puppies with no complications. All litters should be this easy.

Kerry :)

my other 2 litters were great, i had not one prob, but this time, i think ive been lucky until now, after this i dont think i will breed her again, its too scary and it does hurt, i tried listerning other people instead of following my own instincts, i regrett it now, and will see what the vet says in the morning and do what he suggest, shes a brillant mother, and lets me b there through it all, shes just a gem, but not again.....ty all for your help

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Keep trying to put him on Mums teet too. Gently squeeze a little milk out and hold him/guide him onto it, keep trying, he might just latch on.

Also as others have mentioned keep him warm. It's very important.

Goodluck, I hope he makes it. :crossfingers:

Edited by k9angel
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Keep trying to put him on Mums teet too. Gently squeeze a little milk out and hold him/guide him onto it, keep trying, he might just latch on.

Also as others have mentioned keep him warm. It's very important.

Goodluck, I hope he makes it. :crossfingers:

ty so much k9angel, i wont give up but will listern to the vet, my others are shinning and happy as larry, their is so proud, she sits like a queen in her box, shes always so happy to be in there lol but after this i think i will call it a day, mals are the most beautiful dogs around, i love my two to death,

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Keep trying to put him on Mums teet too. Gently squeeze a little milk out and hold him/guide him onto it, keep trying, he might just latch on.

Also as others have mentioned keep him warm. It's very important.

Goodluck, I hope he makes it. :crossfingers:

Great advice. You have to keep him interested. The warmth from mum will also benefit him. Good luck tonight.

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Keep trying to put him on Mums teet too. Gently squeeze a little milk out and hold him/guide him onto it, keep trying, he might just latch on.

Also as others have mentioned keep him warm. It's very important.

Goodluck, I hope he makes it. :crossfingers:

Great advice. You have to keep him interested. The warmth from mum will also benefit him. Good luck tonight.

ty so much puglodge

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How far are you willing to go to try to save this puppy? If he is in pain I would to PTS but if he is just weak I would persist.

I would put puppy on a heat pad in a box by himself so he can't crawl away and get cold.If you don't have a heat pad, do you have an electric blanket you can use? Worst case you can wrap yourself up ,put him down your front and sit up with him all night like that.Plenty of us have done that before!It's critical this puppy does not chill.

It sounds as others have suggested he may have aspirated.If so antibiotics are critical and even then his chances are not good.If you hold him so his front ribs lay to your ear can you hear his lungs crackling?

If he survives until the vet visit get your vet to show you how to tube feed Please insist he show you!.Tube him with a really high value food like 'impact' or the baby .stuff..not sure of the name.Ensure???.It will be his best chance.

If he is sick he WILL dehydrate.You can get your vet to set you up with a 'giving set ' so you can constantly hydrate him.He will have to separated from his dam.

Ask your vet about doing a plasma transfusion from his dam.

Good luck.

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Is it just me.....

We seem to be getting a few topics lately that just don't seem quite "right".

The language is coming across as broken english on one hand and then other bits are perfect english with good spelling.

JMO but something doesn't ring true to me. :confused:

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Is it just me.....

We seem to be getting a few topics lately that just don't seem quite "right".

The language is coming across as broken english on one hand and then other bits are perfect english with good spelling.

JMO but something doesn't ring true to me. :confused:

Not necessarily this thread, but I take your point. School holidays ATM I think that contributes.

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