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Desperate Help Needed Plz


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hi, not sure if this is the right section to ask,

my girl had 8 puppies on monday

1 and the first she ever had was stillborn

my daughter and i worked on him

and he brought up a heap of fluid

and was fine from that

the mum has been great but he wont latch on

to her teat at all

i rang my vet and he said to hand feed him

i went and got the milk and feed him

the mum then licks him

so the first day was fine

now i know this sounds really


but he walks away from the litter

he wont stay among them

my girl brings him back

but he makes his way back to on his own

the vet said we have to hand raise him

away from his mum

now today is a different story

i have read and read about this

as its never happened before

hes struggling to feed now

so we are getting a syringe

to feed him

i wipe him he poos alright but

not sure on the urnine part

whether he goes after each feed

the vet said its fine to feed

small regular hour feeds

the only thing i mainly really concern

is the coldness

from the birth he always seems to be cold

and his tail is between his legs

is this anything to worry

the vet said if we want he will put

him down

but iam prepared to give itall i can

any advice would be appreicated

hes a mal

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Has he ever fed well?, check his mouth and palate

yes he did when we got the milk he fed really well

and through the nite

even this morning

hes stomach soft

i just really worried because

since we brought him in

hes just really quiet and very lazy

i mean lazy

hes been since birth

unless he crawls away from his mom

he just seems really weak

am i rushing it?????

the vet said hes chances are not good

but i really want to try

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Why are you typing like that, its hard to read??

what breed is this please? Was the birth normal? how about tube feeding him for a week or so? WHat does your mentor say? Keep him WARM, all times.

When you say 'lazy' what do you mean?? Hes just been born, they dont do much..Ihad a pup that couldnt suckly, so I tube fed round the cloack for two weeks, he grew to be a healthy happy pup. Have you taken bitch and pups (plus him) INTO the vet for a check, fo as mentioned above cleft palates etc, some are way down the throat..

Edited by Missymoo
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If he's crawling away, he'll probably die. Let nature take is course and leave him be.

Pups not suckling and crawling away, is an indication of something not being right. Really they aren't worth trying to save and you;re better off investing your time and energy into those pups that are doing well.

ETA: after re-reading your difficult posts, he's probably got pneumonia

Edited by Pav Lova
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If he's crawling away, he'll probably die. Let nature take is course and leave him be.

Pups not suckling and crawling away, is an indication of something not being right. Really they aren't worth trying to save and you;re better off investing your time and energy into those pups that are doing well.

As a breeder of 17 years standing, I'm afraid I agree with this 100% - let this little guy go.

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Have you checked his palate? What do his lungs sound like?

New born pups don't do anything, so I'm not sure what you mean by lazy. Quiet is often good in that pups that are cold, sick or hungry usually scream a lot. Of course it could be because he's too weak to cry but usually the weak ones whinge even if they can't scream.

I would get him onto tube feeding straight away - syringes are an easy way to cause pneumonia.

If you wipe his stomach around his penis you will definitely know if he's passing urine or not (usually they pee ON me :laugh:)

Me I wouldn't persist with a pup like this, but good luck with whatever you decide.

Edited because my keyboard can't spell

Edited by Sandra777
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Why are you typing like that, its hard to read??

what breed is this please? Was the birth normal? how about tube feeding him for a week or so? WHat does your mentor say? Keep him WARM, all times.

When you say 'lazy' what do you mean?? Hes just been born, they dont do much..Ihad a pup that couldnt suckly, so I tube fed round the cloack for two weeks, he grew to be a healthy happy pup. Have you taken bitch and pups (plus him) INTO the vet for a check, fo as mentioned above cleft palates etc, some are way down the throat..

as i mentioned before hes a mal short for alaskan malumute, the birth was great the other 7 puppies are great too, the vet said to try to syringe before we try the tube, he wants to do that as a last resort, i trust what he says, i dont have a mentor, yes we are keeping him warm we have a thermonetor with him, lazy as hes not as active as the others, i know hes just be born, i know they dont do much just eat sleep, but they do crawl around as well especially when the mum moves around iam not silly u know, iam just asking for advice to help with me, yes my vet has been here i am following his instructions he has checked all pups and mum, iam just nervous as i have never had to hand feed a pup before and iam just asking for adv ice to make sure iam doing the right thing,

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Can't see why any vet would prefer a syringe to feed over tube feeding - syringes are a really good way of getting milk into the wrong place and if the pup is weak to start with you have to drip the milk in to them so slowly they use more energy than they get swallowing one drop of milk at a time.

When you pick the pup up does he lie flat on the palm of your hand or curl up?

What did the vet say about what was wrong with him??

DID the vet check his palate?

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If he's crawling away, he'll probably die. Let nature take is course and leave him be.

Pups not suckling and crawling away, is an indication of something not being right. Really they aren't worth trying to save and you;re better off investing your time and energy into those pups that are doing well.

As a breeder of 17 years standing, I'm afraid I agree with this 100% - let this little guy go.

i spoke with the vet he said we can give a tube a try but he preferr to put him down, its so sad, ive never lost a pup before, i just wanted to do anything i could to help, but i have to listern to my vet,

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A mal pup could easily be bottle feed ,we have never syringed(infact never come across a vet that suggest this method) but have hand feed many pups by bottle who would weigh nothing compared to your pup.

Evene pups a tad slow we will bottle just to get them started plus natural feeding .

Personally if your not confidient i wouldn't tube either .

Its ashame is it now 2 days latter & so much can be achieved in 2 days if the pup is healthy

What exactly are you feeding??

How many hours do you feed??

When the vet checked it was it dehydrated ??

As mentioned did he check the palate ??

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Can't see why any vet would prefer a syringe to feed over tube feeding - syringes are a really good way of getting milk into the wrong place and if the pup is weak to start with you have to drip the milk in to them so slowly they use more energy than they get swallowing one drop of milk at a time.

When you pick the pup up does he lie flat on the palm of your hand or curl up?

What did the vet say about what was wrong with him??

DID the vet check his palate?

he knows me and knows i want to try really hard first, its more my fault then his, i wanted to try the syringe first, and he said thats fine, no he moves around then curls up, the vet hes weak and if we want to give it our best shot he would help, but he wanted to put him down, but i wanted to give it a try andhelp, we are going in the morning, and i will leave it up to him, if he says to put him down i will but if he says we can try the tube we will, i really didnt want to just give up, but now i will do what my vet says, it just hurts, weve never lost a pup before and its so sad, yes the palate is fine, hes just really small for a mal, hes 500 grams

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If he's crawling away, he'll probably die. Let nature take is course and leave him be.

Pups not suckling and crawling away, is an indication of something not being right. Really they aren't worth trying to save and you;re better off investing your time and energy into those pups that are doing well.

As a breeder of 17 years standing, I'm afraid I agree with this 100% - let this little guy go.

i spoke with the vet he said we can give a tube a try but he preferr to put him down, its so sad, ive never lost a pup before, i just wanted to do anything i could to help, but i have to listern to my vet,

It is heartbreaking to lose a puppy. I am sure you will make the right decision You then need to focus your energy into your girl and the remaining 7 puppies. You will definitely need all your strength over the next few days and weeks as a big litter is a lot of work.

All the best


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If you are going to persist with him, then get your vet to show you how to tube feed

yes i agree, i just spoke with him, he'll be taking him in the morning. I think tube feeding is worth a try, this is my first litter with a sick pup.

its all just new to me i panic ty for your help

So your vet comes to you and will be taking the pup with him - to do what and how long will the pup be gone for?

Do you mean this is your first litter of pups or this is your first sick pup but had other litters?

If the pup has aspiration pneumonia, his chances are slim. I lost a Rottweiler pup from aspiration pneumonia 3 yrs ago - it was really awful what that poor little pup went through, we tried for almost a week before I asked the vet to pts - she was opened up to confirm what we thought, just wish I had her pts sooner.

We somehow saved a Pug pup from AP. It took almost 2 weeks of constant care and help from a wonderful vet and a massive vet bill but he is now 14 months old and in perfect health. Thinking back I have no idea how we managed it - I would not be willing to put another pup (or myself) through that again.

Tubing is safe if done properly, but you would be better off using a small premature baby bottle and nipple than a syringe. The milk may not be good enough either, we will all say that we have had better success with different brands of milk and my personal favorite is the Leerburg Formula.

Good Luck.

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A mal pup could easily be bottle feed ,we have never syringed(infact never come across a vet that suggest this method) but have hand feed many pups by bottle who would weigh nothing compared to your pup.

Evene pups a tad slow we will bottle just to get them started plus natural feeding .

Personally if your not confidient i wouldn't tube either .

Its ashame is it now 2 days latter & so much can be achieved in 2 days if the pup is healthy

What exactly are you feeding??

How many hours do you feed??

When the vet checked it was it dehydrated ??

As mentioned did he check the palate ??

the vet didnt want to i did, its my fault, everyone suggested it to me and i asked my vet, i never had a small sick pup before, i hadnt even read up on it, everything was fine through the pregancy, my girl hit our tiles hard from the daybed to the floor in the lounge room two days before she went into labour, the vet said this could something to do with the pup, everything was fine when he checked her and told us 8 puppies, we feed every 2 hrs, 10 mls, thats what he said to do, hes not dehydrated, yes the palate he said is fine, hes weight is 500g today, he has put on weight, i think iam really nervous as i never had a sick pupppy, and not sure what to expect, he just seemed cold to me, i think iam panicking but i ve spoke with my vet and am taking him in the morning, iam gonna leave it up to him, its hard

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