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Pet Insurance


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Guest lavendergirl

I am a pensioner without pet insurance Smooch wouldn't been here with me today. A month after taking out pet insurance Smooch got a nasty gash over his eye lid that needed vet attention, few weeks later he got kicked in the shoulder by a horse and a few months later suffered a spinal stroke, this ended up in nearly $10,000 vet bill as he had to spend 2 months at a specialist vet. All this money had to be paid before Smooch could come home and without pet insurance I just couldn't do it. With pet insurance I now have peace of mind and never have to think twice about whether I can take Smooch to the vet or not. I also have a fantastic vet who allows me to pay Smoochies bills when the money comes back from the insurance co.

Most of the policies I've looked at have a limit ~ $3000. If you do get insurance, read the fine print.

Agree with this. A lot of standard treatments such as dentals are not covered anyway and there is often a ceiling for tick treatment of $1,000 for example.

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Simple question:

Would a $3,000 vet bill leave you struggling to pay it?

Do you have access to a credit card or similar for emergencies?

If the answer to question 1 is yes and question 2 is no then I'd recommend it.

Edited by poodlefan
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Aussielover on a whole i have been happy with Petplan. They sometimes take awhile to pay out ( about 4 weeks) but the only thing they dont pay for is Masons shampoos and ear wash.

I look at it like this, i pay $500 per year per dog, first year i had mason we had numerous stomach upsets and one trip for an unpset stomach to the vet with tests etc came to $450 so just that one consult paid for the insurance if you see what im saying? If you have $5000 saved for emergencies when you use it its gone, but if you are insured you only loose the $500 ... Just my feeling and after having an allergy dog i wont ever not insure my dogs

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aussielover I'm with Petplan and have no complaints, I have left other companies because they were useless and when I first insured Sparkles with one of them they put exclusions on her cover which I had claimed for my previous Dane so I looked for another company and Petplan were the best at the time.

If you really don't think your dog is going to get sick then seriously consider insurance for accident and illness you never know when you may need it. I wouldn't be without insurance for my dog or cat just gives me peace of mind should they need treatment and if there is excess to pay I am sure my vet would let me pay it off.

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I had just finished reading this thread, and checked the News website, to find the following article on vet costs and insurance.

My link

No dog here at the moment, but I'm thinking insurance is something we will definitely look at when we do get one.

Edited by Ellinnet
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Guest Black Obsession

I'm wondering if Choice Magazine (online) do reviews of Pet Insurance?

Yes but you have to pay to view it!

Yeah, I thought so...I used to be a member.

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I had just finished reading this thread, and checked the News website, to find the following article on vet costs and insurance.

My link

No dog here at the moment, but I'm thinking insurance is something we will definitely look at when we do get one.

Sometimes I think costs are inflated by some Vets because there is inurance for pets. I would take out insurance before having my pet checked by a Vet because then there is no pre-existing condition to be excluded.

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This is a interesting thread as I have just had this discussion with my best friend. We are both insured with PIA and have been for the last 3 years. We were questioning the benefits of insurance as neither of us have had a need to make a claim (not that I am complaining!). My friend decided to cancel hers but very fortunately never got around to making the call as she was flat out at work. Two nights ago her beautiful GSD became very ill. After a frantic rush to the emergency vets she has been diagnosed with Pyometra :(. When they got Ruby on the table and opened her up they were forced to abandon the surgery due to the fact that she began bleeding very heavily and they could not stop it. They are now undergoing a battery of tests to discover the underlying cause of the bleeding whilst trying to keep her pyo under control until it is safe to operate, hopefully by this Friday. My friend is a single mum to 3 boys and as the costs have already run over $1500, with more tests and surgery to come she is very grateful that she did not cancel her cover as she could never come up with that kind of money on short notice. She now has the peace of mind to tell her vet to do whatever needs to be done to help diagnose and treat Ruby. Looks like I will be keeping my insurance after all, and please send healing vibes to Ruby.

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I have been with PetPlan since Oct 2008 and am very happy with them.

Once they have accepted a Condition it is accepted for Life plus their waiting period is 21 days,the others are 30 days.

Most of the staff are dog owners/vet nurses so they understand things

Being on a Pension I do not have the funds to cover an expensive Vet bill but I have Petplan.

I really researched all the companies and to me PetPlan offered the best coverage for my dog and the best value for money.

Also if you a Registered Breeder with ANKC you can take out FREE breeders insurance- with that once a pup you have bred goed to it's new home the new owners get 6 weeks free PetInsurance up to the Value of $3000.

:thumbsup: Petplan

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Guest donatella

This is a interesting thread as I have just had this discussion with my best friend. We are both insured with PIA and have been for the last 3 years. We were questioning the benefits of insurance as neither of us have had a need to make a claim (not that I am complaining!). My friend decided to cancel hers but very fortunately never got around to making the call as she was flat out at work. Two nights ago her beautiful GSD became very ill. After a frantic rush to the emergency vets she has been diagnosed with Pyometra :(. When they got Ruby on the table and opened her up they were forced to abandon the surgery due to the fact that she began bleeding very heavily and they could not stop it. They are now undergoing a battery of tests to discover the underlying cause of the bleeding whilst trying to keep her pyo under control until it is safe to operate, hopefully by this Friday. My friend is a single mum to 3 boys and as the costs have already run over $1500, with more tests and surgery to come she is very grateful that she did not cancel her cover as she could never come up with that kind of money on short notice. She now has the peace of mind to tell her vet to do whatever needs to be done to help diagnose and treat Ruby. Looks like I will be keeping my insurance after all, and please send healing vibes to Ruby.

wow, lucky close call in Ruby's favour! i hope they sort it out and she pulls through, this is the sort of reason i have insurance, you just never know whats going to happen in the future. Good luck Ruby, sending good vibes

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The majority of vets I know are pretty relieved if they find out a client has insurance, since they are then free to forget about trying to scrimp and save, and can just concentrate on giving the animal the best treatment possible. That's different to inflating prices, though, IMO.

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The majority of vets I know are pretty relieved if they find out a client has insurance, since they are then free to forget about trying to scrimp and save, and can just concentrate on giving the animal the best treatment possible. That's different to inflating prices, though, IMO.

I have to agree with this.

From my experience emergency vets have standard pricing. Yes the bill may be more, but this is cecause they

will do more tests, instead of just waiting.......which they would doo when they are trying to keep the costs down.

I have pet insurance for all my dogs. Some dogs I have not claimed anything for, others I have claimed more than enough to make it worthwhile for the ones that I have not claimed for!!

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Guest Black Obsession

...I would take out insurance before having my pet checked by a Vet because then there is no pre-existing condition to be excluded.

(I replied to this post before but now it's gone???)

Good idea, thanks :)

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Every [puppy I send home has pet insurance on it which lasts the first 6 weeks .

There have been several claims over the years and petplan have always come to the party.

Beagle pup who ran between the owners legs when he was practicing his golf swing and broke its neck

Beagle pup who fell into a swimming pool and couldnt get out - drowned,

Beagle pup who ate snail bait

Maremma pup which was killed by a snake

Maremma pup which was killed by a tick

Maremma pup which was killed on an electric fence

As you can see none of these tings would have been covered by the breeder but Pet plan covered purchase price and vetting for the new owners.

I recommend people take out insurance for the first year at least because if anything nasty is going to show usually its by the time its a year old - then re assess .

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I am with Petplan and have had no issues. One thing I do like about them is the cover a condition up to the maximum each year, not just once as so many of the others do. My premium has gone up this year, but do has the amount covered. I know that if push came to shove my husband would not be at all happy having to spend thousands on a dogs treatment. This way that is not an issue as it will cost me $100 and the rest is covered up to $10,000

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I dont have it, i have 5 pets and no way i can afford it. I put the money aside each week into a bank account. That way if i need it it is there, if i dont need it... i get to spend it :D

My vet is great and i have been with them for 14 years. I am allowed to have an account there and I am a few hundred dollars in credit (someone put money in to help a puppy i tried to save and never told me who they were!) and i also put money on the account if i have some spare while I am there... sooner or later i know i will use it.

I dont have a credit card but do know i can use mum and dads if i need money ASAP.

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Both of ours are insured with Petplan and I would never be without insurance,we pay monthly and have had no trouble claiming. The price is a little over $10.00 a week for each dog for the Platinum Dog plan. This is a rough list of vet bills over the last 12 months or so -

Issy - diagnosed with luxating patellas and hip dysplasia,her first op was over $2000.00, we only paid $100 excess and they paid for everything else including a post op course of cartrophen injections. 2 more possible surgeries and further aftercare to come.

Issy - ingested a tennis ball whilst we were away in Mackay - Sunday night emergency treatment and overnight vet stay $500

Issy skin issues approx $600

Alfie skin issues approx $400

Alfie ear infections - x3 - diagnostic test to see why recurring $450

Alfie - torn claw from wrestling with Issy - after hours again - sedation, removal of claw,pain killing and anti inflammatories $375

Alfie dog bite on Sunday of long weekend - trip to Pet ER for staples in his face,antibiotics,pain killers,dressings etc $390.00

Both dogs also had Tonsilitis!

I admit it has been a horror year and not the usual run of things, but without the insurance it would have been much harder. We are lucky in that we would be able to pay on credit cards if necessary.

Also they are both pretty healthy dogs although you could be forgiven for thinking otherwise reading that list, the incidents were spreadout but things can just happen and it does really add up!

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