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Here is Helen's guide to uploading on flickr :laugh:

When you sign into flickr, there is a menu on the page just below the flick logo.

-Click on upload

- choose photos and videos (step 1)

- a browse screen comes up, choose the photo you wish to upload

-click on the upload photos and video button

-Wait for the photo to upload, you will then get an option to add a description. You can also change the name of the photo from that screen.

- Ta da, all done :thumbsup:

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To share the photo on here:

Right click on the photo it will give you a box that says View All sizes: Medium 500 Medium 640 Original. I usually pick Medium 540.

Click on that. Right Click on the photo again and go to View image info and copy and past the bit that says Location. it starts http;//farm etc. Then wrap it in image code on this board.

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