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Different State Rules

Crazy Daisy

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I feel this rigid attitude of allowing dogs to stand in heat, cold, wet or storms basically not to be judged.......is just another example of controlling bodies really not following or setting an example of welfare for both dog and exhibitor. .........and don't start me on the NSW Heat Policy !!!!!!!

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  On 20/09/2011 at 5:03 AM, Paptacular! said:

I've only shown in the NT and I don't recall having to leave the ring for a shortlist.

I think the only time I've seen exhibitors be given the option to not all be in the ring at once was in torrential rain, and were called in as needed.

Our groups are generally not big enough these days to warrant it. It used to happen a little bit.

I say excuse them, if the judge isn't interested in me I'd much rather be out of the ring with my feet up or getting the next dog ready etc.. I also like to watch the battles, I went to the Sydney Royal and really enjoyed the way one of the judges would pair off dogs to compete together and when he was facing off the terriers (Foxy's was great to watch).

I just love seeing these amazing dogs in the flesh against each other, makes you realise how much effort a handler sometimes has to put in just to bring that little bit extra out in their dogs.

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  On 20/09/2011 at 3:21 AM, Pav Lova said:

I don't get what the big deal is, if the dogs that aren't being considered for the group are asked to leave the ring. It leaves just those the judge is seriously interested in. The judge shortlists and then says seeya to the rest, the judge has already " judged" the exhibits in class, so you have your $10 worth and have been locked at.

I don't see what the big deal is either, Your not good enough for BIG/RUBIG but you may still be good enough to win your age class.

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The only time i think short lsiting isn;t worth it is when the judges obviously can't remember when it comes to the class in grps,

I can appreciate in some class other breeds may have been stronger than the short list but the number of times i have seen a dog shortlisted only to lose to a BOB not shortlisted is countless

I to would prefer to be sent out than stand around & rarely have we been made to stay if the weather is bad

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  On 20/09/2011 at 10:54 AM, showdog said:

The only time i think short lsiting isn;t worth it is when the judges obviously can't remember when it comes to the class in grps,

I can appreciate in some class other breeds may have been stronger than the short list but the number of times i have seen a dog shortlisted only to lose to a BOB not shortlisted is countless

I to would prefer to be sent out than stand around & rarely have we been made to stay if the weather is bad

There was this one time I won BOB with my Pug, I could have sworn she would have given it to any other dog even if it had walked in with 3 legs, then got automatic class in group and went in for class in show.. I was just going through the paces, mucking around with the dog talking to her and making faces and I got a tap on the shoulder from the steward as the judge was trying to award me CIS... Funniest/stupidest thing I have ever done :rofl:

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I can't see the difference between being short-listed and a small number of assembled BOB winners being run for group. I personally would rather be retired from the ring so that I can spend more time getting my next class winner ready to go in.

Do you also consider it rude if only a small number of dogs are run for group?

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  On 20/09/2011 at 10:54 AM, showdog said:

I can appreciate in some class other breeds may have been stronger than the short list but the number of times i have seen a dog shortlisted only to lose to a BOB not shortlisted is countless

Happened to me as well, my Min Pin was not shortlisted for group at one show, and ended up going on to get Intermediate in Group over a dog that was shortlisted! Flabbergasted to say the least, it was the last thing I expected as I was 100% sure the dog was going to get it as this Italian Greyhound has done very well and am a fan of that dog!!

It was a day I will never forget!

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I have been in the ring when the judge had shuffled dogs to the position they wanted and asked for only those 4 (or whatever) to be run as a group. Not much difference really, except for you get to sit down or grab your next dog with a little more time :)

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It has never happened to me personally so my posts are not 'grudge' posts, but I still think it is rude.

Even if you aren't in contention in the judges mind, there are still people watching ringside, and to be sent out with the rubbish would feel awful, we all know what ringside gossips are like. I know I wouldn't want everyone staring at my "no good" dog as I was asked to leave.

On hot days here I have seen judges still give every breed a run, but they bring them forward out of the shade one at a time. Rain, well that doesn't affect the dogs, only the handlers and if you don't like the rain then don't come to the show.

Just my opinion.

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  On 20/09/2011 at 5:20 PM, Shaar said:

It has never happened to me personally so my posts are not 'grudge' posts, but I still think it is rude.

Even if you aren't in contention in the judges mind, there are still people watching ringside, and to be sent out with the rubbish would feel awful, we all know what ringside gossips are like. I know I wouldn't want everyone staring at my "no good" dog as I was asked to leave.

Just my opinion.

How sad you feel like that or think that others feel that way. :(

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  On 20/09/2011 at 10:38 PM, Rebanne said:
  On 20/09/2011 at 5:20 PM, Shaar said:

It has never happened to me personally so my posts are not 'grudge' posts, but I still think it is rude.

Even if you aren't in contention in the judges mind, there are still people watching ringside, and to be sent out with the rubbish would feel awful, we all know what ringside gossips are like. I know I wouldn't want everyone staring at my "no good" dog as I was asked to leave.

Just my opinion.

How sad you feel like that or think that others feel that way. :(

Never fear, if you make the shortlist or heaven forbid win the group, they'll say exactly the same anyway :laugh:

Edited by Pav Lova
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I had a judge that shortlisted then sent the rest of the group out and I was fine with it (though there were other exhibitors who weren't). I have a young dog (she's almost 10 months old and would have only been 7 months when this happened) and being a rare breed we're often the only one there and get to go in for group to make up the numbers. I can normally keep her attention for the group, but by the time we're back in for our class she's had enough, so I was more than happy to leave the ring and not have to keep standing there.

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  On 20/09/2011 at 5:20 PM, Shaar said:

It has never happened to me personally so my posts are not 'grudge' posts, but I still think it is rude.

Even if you aren't in contention in the judges mind, there are still people watching ringside, and to be sent out with the rubbish would feel awful, we all know what ringside gossips are like. I know I wouldn't want everyone staring at my "no good" dog as I was asked to leave.

On hot days here I have seen judges still give every breed a run, but they bring them forward out of the shade one at a time. Rain, well that doesn't affect the dogs, only the handlers and if you don't like the rain then don't come to the show.

Just my opinion.

So all the dogs who aren't shortlisted are rubbish? :mad Sorry, that is not how I see it. All the dogs who are not shortlisted are not dogs who the judge is considering for BIG, same as when the judge only runs out a few dogs and leave you standing in line if your dog is not their type. Nothing more, nothing less. And given how long some judges take to award I am quite happy to go when the judge isn't considering me anyway! My dogs are not robots who will stand for hours on end without getting bored :laugh:

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  On 20/09/2011 at 5:20 PM, Shaar said:

It has never happened to me personally so my posts are not 'grudge' posts, but I still think it is rude.

Even if you aren't in contention in the judges mind, there are still people watching ringside, and to be sent out with the rubbish would feel awful, we all know what ringside gossips are like. I know I wouldn't want everyone staring at my "no good" dog as I was asked to leave.

I have to say in the 25 years of showing that is the first time i have heard anyone consider it like that .

Who cares what outside people think ??

I have shown Multi BIS winners & been sent out with the "others" i can say my life doesn't end because of it nor did the outsiders go crazy.you will get people who will say "gee that was an interesting shortlist" but seriously if i was worried what the people outside said why even show

The judge didn't like the dog ,who cares .

Another show another day .

I have a question then ,i gather you aren't a fan of the group 1-4 judging system then ??

Edited by showdog
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Shaar - you do know, there is only one winner, right? what is the difference between a judge standing there, contemplating their decision between a few dogs they have selected in their head, while ALL the dogs are stacked up, and a judge that points to a few and gets them to stack up while the others leave the ring - usually after being thanked by the judge and applauded by those outside the ring? The only difference I can see, is that there is a lot more fluffing and fartarsing about by making all the dogs stack up while the judge deliberates between a chosen few. I simply cannot fathom how you can deduce that the judge is throwing out your BOB dog like it's rubbish.

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And we have all seen multi BIS, Gr Ch, BISS, dog-wins-every-week etc dogs being turfed :laugh:

It happens, no-one should be offended or scarred by it. If you can't laugh about it, you're taking it way too seriously. We'll all live to show another day!

Edited by Rottshowgirl
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No that is not how I see it, but I have heard others say those exact words MANY times before... thrown out with the rubbish.

Yes I do care what others think, I'm a relatively new exhibitor so my skin hasn't toughened up yet.

@showdog, I don't know what you mean by group 1-4 judging system sorry.

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When the system of placing group 1 to 4 like melb,sydney .Adelaide royal uses & other big shows

BIG 1,2,3,4

The judge shortlists & then places

Um i think you will find that is a very old saying in the show world "thrown out with the rubbish" plus many other sayings used

It isn;t about toughening up but being realistic if the judge doesn;t like your dog there is no big deal.

I mean what is the difference then when the judge shortlists to the middle of the ring whilst everyone else stands there ??

Either way people will see but seriously if that is a worry then maybe you are taking it to seriously .

I have had my Multi BISS/BIS winner non awarded walked out with a smile & thought yep interesting & off i went.

Shit happens but you have to chill out otherwise it ain;t fun & the dog will feel the pressure on the lead

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