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Different State Rules

Crazy Daisy

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Hi all,

On Sunday group 3 was judged by a NSW judge. During group he chose his best six and then dismissed the rest of the class. The lady I was standing next to said "we aren't allowed to do that in QLD". Then the show secretary went to the judge and explained that in QLD all exhibitors must remain in the ring until judging is completed. Personally I think in such a hot climate like QLD it would be good if the judge could let us leave if he was not interested in the rest of us as it would save us standing in the heat any longer than necessary.

Anyway I am interested in doing some shows over the border in NSW and was wondering if there were any other different rules between the two states like this that someone could point out to me?

Thanks :)

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In summer time and in adverse weather conditions, for the most part. common sense will prevail in NSW.

Many judges will line up the group, make a short list and retire the rest from the ring.

You will get some that will go over the dogs again individually and will send the rest of the group to the shade, whilst waiting their turn.

At our Specialites, the Steward will direct everyone into the ring for the initial line up and then excuse everyone from the ring, to find some shade, whilst they wait their turn, in the class.

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In QLD, the judge can NOT dismiss the dogs and then have them re-enter (for class in group etc). A dismissal means you are done for the day.

The judge can however say "Please find some shade" and have the dogs leave the ring to find the shade.

On a hot day I've asked for the dogs to do an individual run into the ring and then out again to assembly shade. Then once all had run they could file in.

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Agree with Lowenhart - dismissing the remainder of group before the group judging has been completed is against the rules, but asking the exhibitors to take their dogs to shelter/shade is ok.

Coming from a rather hot part of the country, when I've been stewarding many judges have advised exhibitors to find some shade/shelter at times, in fact, I ask most judges if they are happy for me to offer this option to the exhibitors - they usually say "Yes" as long as they're allowed too as well....LOL.

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I was at that show and in Group 3. I didnt realise that we werent allowed to to be dismissed and thought that it was a good idea from the judge seemingly I have a predominately black dog and it was quite hot. What breed do you have CD?

On the same note however I am not sure if the judge had a dry sense of humour as alot of people were not impressed with some of the comments he was making.

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You can't dismiss dogs here in TAS either, yet it still happened a few weeks ago and no-one said anything. Believe it or not we do get some hot days here so a few judges will get exhibitors to "find some shade", but kicking half the group out into the rubbish pile is just plain rude IMO. Everyone paid the same entry fee and they are entitled to be judged along with the rest of the dogs.

A judge doesn't have to like all the dogs, they just should still be polite to the ones they dislike... if they were complete rubbish they should not have awarded them the breed!!!

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  On 20/09/2011 at 3:07 AM, Shaar said:

You can't dismiss dogs here in TAS either, yet it still happened a few weeks ago and no-one said anything. Believe it or not we do get some hot days here so a few judges will get exhibitors to "find some shade", but kicking half the group out into the rubbish pile is just plain rude IMO. Everyone paid the same entry fee and they are entitled to be judged along with the rest of the dogs.

A judge doesn't have to like all the dogs, they just should still be polite to the ones they dislike... if they were complete rubbish they should not have awarded them the breed!!!

I don't get what the big deal is, if the dogs that aren't being considered for the group are asked to leave the ring. It leaves just those the judge is seriously interested in. The judge shortlists and then says seeya to the rest, the judge has already " judged" the exhibits in class, so you have your $10 worth and have been locked at.

I don't really get the whole, run everything out for the Group and go over everything again, it's hardly necessary but I guess it makes everyone feel special.

I much prefer the judges run out those they are really interested in and get it over and done with.

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  On 20/09/2011 at 2:49 AM, atua said:

I was at that show and in Group 3. I didnt realise that we werent allowed to to be dismissed and thought that it was a good idea from the judge seemingly I have a predominately black dog and it was quite hot. What breed do you have CD?

On the same note however I am not sure if the judge had a dry sense of humour as alot of people were not impressed with some of the comments he was making.

I have Goldens :D I'm the one with the bright red hair! :laugh:

I thought he was very nice. He gave me ResDCC and Junior of Breed with my boy and nothing with my bitch, but he was polite and showed interest and gave full attention when you were in front of him and I can't ask for more than that.

I was outside the ring watching group and thought it was interesting that it was not allowed. If I know the judge isn't interested in my dog I would have preferred to be out of the sun. I appreciate it when they let you relax your dogs into the shade.

Are there any other rules that are different that anyone knows of?

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Doesn't it happen a fair bit in the US and UK? I don't think it's rude. I'd rather that than stand around while the judge shortlists and everyone has to watch on in the ring.. the few times it has happened to me (usually with international judges), the judge asks everyone to applaud the BOB winners and then proceeds to select his group winner from the shortlist. The judge isn't discounting anyone any less than they would if we were all still standing in the ring.

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  On 20/09/2011 at 3:26 AM, SparkyTansy said:

Doesn't it happen a fair bit in the US and UK? I don't think it's rude. I'd rather that than stand around while the judge shortlists and everyone has to watch on in the ring.. the few times it has happened to me (usually with international judges), the judge asks everyone to applaud the BOB winners and then proceeds to select his group winner from the shortlist. The judge isn't discounting anyone any less than they would if we were all still standing in the ring.

This is what i have seen happen as well, i didn't know it wasn't allowed i thought it was a great idea ;D

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  On 20/09/2011 at 3:26 AM, SparkyTansy said:

Doesn't it happen a fair bit in the US and UK? I don't think it's rude. I'd rather that than stand around while the judge shortlists and everyone has to watch on in the ring.. the few times it has happened to me (usually with international judges), the judge asks everyone to applaud the BOB winners and then proceeds to select his group winner from the shortlist. The judge isn't discounting anyone any less than they would if we were all still standing in the ring.

Agreed :) I would prefer to be asked to leave if the judge isn't considering my dog rather than hanging around in the sun while they run out their preferences several times more!

It is very strange how rules change from State to State given we are meant to all show under ANKC rules though :laugh:

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I'd much rather be given permission to seek shelter or shade if my dog isn't in the short list - it's not just hot weather but in freezing cold or pouring rain it's a nice courtesy. And as someones else has said it gives the dogs room in the ring with most of the group having left.

If you have a dog for Class in group awards, it also gives you a chance to get that dog ready - sometimes rushing out with your BoB winner to grab a baby puppy isn't very relaxing for handler or the baby.

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  On 20/09/2011 at 4:16 AM, mirawee said:
  On 20/09/2011 at 3:26 AM, SparkyTansy said:

Doesn't it happen a fair bit in the US and UK? I don't think it's rude. I'd rather that than stand around while the judge shortlists and everyone has to watch on in the ring.. the few times it has happened to me (usually with international judges), the judge asks everyone to applaud the BOB winners and then proceeds to select his group winner from the shortlist. The judge isn't discounting anyone any less than they would if we were all still standing in the ring.

Agreed :) I would prefer to be asked to leave if the judge isn't considering my dog rather than hanging around in the sun while they run out their preferences several times more!

Yes I agree! I also love a judge that goes into the ring for the group line up and knows what they want!

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I have no problem with a judge "making a cut" and letting the others leave the ring ..... who wants to hang around especially if the weather is crap (hot or wet).

I realise it may be against the rules in some States but quite frankly can't see why .....

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I like to see a judge who knows what they want - make that cut and excuse the rest - it means the judge can really focus on what they want. If not in the top cut I would much rather leave the ring than be standing there for ages and when I am one of the ones shorlisted with my dogs I cherish the full ring to run them around.

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I agree, I did a show recently where 8 dogs was dogs was shortlisted, and she judge sent the non-shortlisted around a circle once and said thank you and we may leave! But instead, we all had to stay in the ring after being advised that we would disqualify our dogs if we left the ring, so we all stay there, but thankfully a minute later she already shaken hands with the BIG and RUBIG winner! :laugh:

Speaking of hot days, I remember one international judge that shortlisted her group, that those that were not shortlisted all just jumped the ring rope and left the ring and didn't want to hang around, and the same ended up happening for most classes in group!

But another international judge, even though she shortlisted that day, the ones that weren't shortlisted still stayed in the ring for the duration of the group and most still had their dogs stacked!

I think it came down to the judge on the day, and if the judge had respected the exhibitors and gave their dogs a chance on the day.

But yes I agree, that even if your dog don't get shortlisted, I did agree with Pav Lova, that you paid your $10 (or ever much) and you had your look, and got your challenge points and if you won any rosette/fringies/ribbon for BOB, then you already won and had an opinion given to you regardless of how you went for the group!

It does get disappointing when you don't get shortlisted, and I've yet to have a dog that I've handled be shortlisted yet! But I'm hoping one day that it will happen! But one of my Min Pin came so close to being shortlisted at a recent show, I was just waiting for that judge to point, but it didn't happen!

But yes, if the judge does not have your dog in mind for the Group, I reckon the rule should allow us to leave, so we don't need to waste time trying to keep the dog stacked for the judge full well knowing that your dog is not a contender!

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