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Pup Not Eating


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Just wondering if anyone can help. I have a four and a half month old pup who yesterday and today refuses to eat. Now my thoughts were that she is just teething. she is about that age and still has her pup teeth so this is disticntly possible. But I am a bit concerned. In the past with all my others they don't go off of their food as much as this one has. Has anyone else had this occur?

I have tried soft food to tempt her and have even tried mashed sardines. but not interested. She does growl at the others if they come near the food but just isn't eating it herself? Any thoughts welcomed. Also those that have had this before any idea on how long this is likely to occur?

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Hows the baby doing??

Hi Missymoo and thanks for asking. She seems to be holding her own. She has been to the vets. I dug her out of her hidey hole yesterday after work and gave her a quick bath before taking her out. As such we had to wait for here to dry as the vet wouldn't give her an injection unless she was dry.

She had an AB injection yesterday. Another again this morning and is about to go out for another this afternoon. She does seem a bit more herself. She still hasn't eaten yet but she is drinking and keeping the water down and is more alert than she was yesterday morning when she seemed to vomit as soon as she drank.

Vet says its a form of Gastro going around in the area. Apprently there have been a few here with it lately. For now she is confined to the laundry away from the other dogs and seems to be settling down.

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