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What Is The Best Brush/comb For Pug Coats?


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Archie is 14 months old and now the weather is getting warmer he is molting like crazy. I want to brush the dead hairs out, but I have no idea what to use....I tried a wire brush but it hardly touched him.

Its also hard to groom him as he gets so excited when I try to brush him, he won't stay still. I ended up getting my daughter to told onto him so I can give him a quick brush....didn't work very well though....so any ideas on that too?



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Guest Black Obsession

My groomer recommended the De-Furminator or Lawrence Slicker. Both are available (and cheaper) on eBay.

Or you could just redecorate your whole house, including your wardrobe, in beige :laugh:

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Thank you all,

My clothes are mostly dark or black....so are my girls....its the perfect colour NOT to wear :eek: I'll have to live in jeans, at least the hairs don't stick to them :laugh:

Angela ~ I have no idea where to start on trying to train him to even stay in one spot let alone in one position :rofl: The easiest way with Zoe was I would brush her when she was sleeping on my lap.....but Archie is way too big and never sleeps deep enough to do that. As for treats.... :eek: :eek: :eek: I have never seen a dog so excited about food, even when its not for him he gets excited about it. When I feed him I try.....and thats the word of the day TRY to get him to stay calm long enough for me to release him to eat. He's like a bull in a china shop, he eats like its the first meal he's had in days and he spills most of the food on the floor, then he vacuums it up and cries because there's nothing left, you just have to see it to believe it.... :rofl:

Thanks again


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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

He is a bit food-oriented!!! :eat: The trick will be to put him where ever you want to brush him, dangle a treat just out of reach and wait for him to work out that he needs to be still (relatively!!!) for a whole five seconds before he gets the treat....once he has worked that out, you make that 6 seconds for the next treat and then 8, 10 etc. Once you have him still for 30 secs you can start touching him with the brush etc while he is still until he learns to stay still in spite of the brush in order to get the treat. If you are doing this two or even three times a day for 5 minutes or so each time, he should start to figure it out pretty quickly.

Once you've got him good at staying calm to be brushed, then use the same method to get him used to having his ears inspected, feet lifted and inspected, nose roll touched etc. All a little bit at a time. He has a bit to learn but with your patience and persistence he'll get there soon enough!

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Thank you Angela,

I have been stroking his back and down his legs, when he is quietly sitting next to me. It doesn't happen often though. I have also had a look in his ears, as he tries to scratch them, and cries while doing it. I thought it was the collar, but we haven't had that on for a while, but he's still scratching. I had a quick look, they look healthy pink, no dirt or redness, so it might be something else....molting fur maybe around his neck.

I will try the treats, we found he absolutely loves cheese, I must get a low fat one for him :laugh:

I am taking him to the vet on Thursday, so I will ask her to check out his ears just in case....that will be fun. I'll take some treats with me, so when he's good he gets one ;)

Thank you.


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