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Dog Fretting. Need Advice.


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Hi everyone.

One of my 12 year old pugs had to be put to sleep 2 nights ago. She was a rescue along with her sister. We have had them for 5 years and they were 7 years old when they came into our home. They have been together their entire lives.

The alpha dog was the one who was put to sleep and her sister is fretting already. I have no experience in this and would welcome any advice in making this period of time easier for the surviving dog. She is eating well, but just wants to sleep constantly. Occasionally she will let out a howl like she is in pain. This is not something she has ever done before. She is deaf after suffering 2 vestibular attacks in the past, but otherwise is normally robust and very outgoing.

Thanks in advance.

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Luvspugs firstly I am so sorry for your loss. Its really hard especially when the dogs have been together all their lives. Dogs grieve the same as people and will do so for around two weeks or so. Thundershirts work for dogs that are anxious so are you able to fashion a tight wrap for her that will make her feel snug. You could also try some rescue remedy in her water.

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So sorry to hear of your loss luvspugs. :(

I recently lost my almost 12 yr old sibe girl. She was also the alpha dog.

My other dogs including rescues fretted quiet badly. Jasmine (a foster failure close to 10 yrs old) went off her food and was even quieter than her usual self. She slept on the bed most of the time.

Logan, a rescue who has been in care several months was very fond of Gypsy and howled like mad when she died. Did so for 2 - 3 weeks afterwards, day and night on and off and also went off his food for close to a week.

Blacky also did a bit of howling, as did the others. Luki was very confused and would look for her. He is also a foster failure, been here since a bub - survived death and parvo and became a part of our family. He really looked up to Gyps. She was like a Mum to him.

It's horrible to see them so sad.

Hugs to you both. :hug:

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I am having the same problem with my 6yr old GSD, I lost my old girl 2 mnths ago and he has now gone off his food :cry: Im not sure what to do either other than lots of love and attention. My boy has been going out 3 times a day to keep him busy and active.

Im so sorry for your loss, its so hard on the remaining dogs, and us!

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I took her for a walk today. She was quite bouncy this morning whilst waiting for her brekkie, but she is a pug and they do love their food! However, she is following us everywhere. She usually loves being in the garden and will sniff and explore outside at every opportunity. At the moment, she will go out the door and do a bit of a search for her mate and then immediately come and sit back at the door. Instead of being outside for an hour or so, she is wanting to be back inside within a couple of minutes. My husband and I had to work last night, so she went in to where my son was studying and settled into his beanbag, just so she was close to someone. She has never done this in the entire time we have had her. My son was fantastic with her and just let her snooze beside him whilst he studied for his VCE.

It's hard watching her grieve, especially when I am also grieving.

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