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What's Wrong With My Dog?

I Heart Aussies

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Hi all, my dog sleeps inside, generally under my bed. She has free run of the house. She has always slept inside. She's about 5yrs old. The past 5-6 weeks she has started this weird behavior at 1-2am in the morning and I cant work out what's going on. She is completely restless, huffing, puffing, very stressed out (like she behaves when there is thunder or crackers). It goes on for hours. I cant hear any noises. She is constantly waking us up, as soon as we doze off she is nudging at us again and panting in our faces, also going into the kids rooms and waking them up too.

I cant work out why she is doing this at the early hours of the morning. Last night I got up and put her outside, she was eager to go out and then wouldn't come in when I called her so I left her out. She didn't bark or carry on at the back door and I didn't hear anything out of her for the rest of the night. Any suggestions on what is going on and why she may suddenly be doing this?

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Our greyhound Harry was doing this, so I took him to the vet after the 3rd sleepless night. It turned he was suffering back pain, and it was flaring up in the early hours of the morning. He was put on pain killers for about a week, and has been fine since. It also happened last winter, but that was after an injury to his back. This year there was no injury that I know of, but the vet suggested that since he is 7 years old now, he may be starting to get a bit of arthiritis in his back. He's all good now.

Maybe get her checked out for any pain.

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Vet check first, I suggest .

Just some ideas.......

Do you live anywhere near an airport, or factories, or a construction site or port , where there may be new activity/noise happening?

Have you any thing automatically set to go on in your house at that time?

Do you have possums/rats around?

Have you changed her food or feeding times?

have you recently used any fumigation or new paint/floor treatments or anything?

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hhmm okay I didn't think of anything medical related. So that's something to consider.

The only 'new' thing that coincides is we put the TV in the bedroom and I bought a portable digital panel antenna that has a built in amplifier. I'm wondering if the signal could cause problems, I know dogs hear things we dont so maybe there is some noise. But why wouldn't she be upset all the time? Actually come to think of it some nights she normally likes to come lay on the bed with me before DH comes to bed and lately she has been avoiding it opting to stay in the lounge. :confused: I did get up last night and turn it all off at the point and there have been other nights I've done the same. I might have to keep better track of that. I'll turn it off at the point every night and see if that makes a difference. Worth a shot.

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I will agree about getting vet checked too.

Whenever my boy gets restless and act the same way you are describing how your dog is acting, I know that he is in pain or he is feeling very uncomfortable. He did it a lot this through winter, I will put him in my bed with the electric blanket on, and put a blanket over him and he settles down.

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One of our dogs Oscar reacts to storms our smoke detector and god knows what else. We recently brought a 47inch crate for our new Newfoundland puppy and most of the time its Oscar thats in it. He is much better when there are any noises if he can be in there with a blanket just covering the top and two sides.

So maybe if the vet says nothing is wrong you might think about giving her somewhere where she feels secure.

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Is there anything that beeps at night (you havent got a new phone recently)? Any odd sounds? You dont have one of those electronic things that is suppose to keep bugs away or anything similar?

Our dog has and still does really really freak out when the smoke alarm needs its batteries changed. You'll wake up to the dog panicing over something and then eventually the alarm will beep and she jumps literally the whole dog shudders and wants to get outside away from it before it does 'something'.

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Is she desexed?

I wonder if she is possibly experiencing a phantom pregnancy?

Maybe she wants to get outside to find somewhere to nest?? I've seen it before. They are truly convinced they are in pup, some even show physical signs of being pregnant and get milk. They can become very anxious and restless as they try desperately to find a quiet place to hide and nest.

Just a thought. (if she's not already desexed or recently desexed).

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Hi, no she was desexed as a pup so I doubt it's that?

Last night was peaceful, turned off the TV / digital antenna amplifier at the point before I went to bed :confused: early days though, will see how that works for us over the next week or so.

I dont have any bug zappy things, but yes she freaks at beeps .. my old mobile phone when the battery was low had this beep that went off every 10 minutes that freaked her out. But nothing like that going off that I can hear anyway. My new phone only beeps the once and she doesn't seem effected by it but its turned off at night anyway.

Edited by I Heart Aussies
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