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Ideas On How To Set Up My Camera Bag Insides!


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I set up a bag so that everything fits snugly, and I can get it out easily ... Depends how much stuff you have ...extra lenses, batteries,filters,camera bodies, as to how many and what size compartments you need . It's a very individual thing , IMO ..a bit like kitchen cupboards! :)

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It's definitely an individual thing - a friend on another forum has a very similar kit to me and the way she has her bag (which is the same as mine) set up is very different to mine. She also uses the front pocket of her bag to store her speedlite whereas mine is stored within the main pocket of the bag.

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Come on guys, photos pleeease :D?? I know its gonna be a individual thing, but it would help give me some ideas! :)

Have you been to China to see your Mum and Dad? If so, did you get the dogs over there too?

Cant help with the bag. I need a bigger better one myself.

and YES :) I'm currently in Shanghai, Rover (my parents lab) is here too but hes stuck in Quarantine. They get quarantined on arrival to china for 7 days, (no idea why considering china has 10 times the amount of diseases that australia has!) so we should hopefully get him out on the 15 or 16th! And I'm flying home on the Sunday night, the 18th.

I'll have to do a thread with some photos, a non whinging thread for once, lol :D

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