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Thinking Of You Today Cass.


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It has been 3 yrs since you left this world Cass.

You were never sick. Always the strong and hardy one and I thought always in good health.

But then you started drinking way more than you should of been. Your belly was starting to swell and you were quieter than your usual talkative self. You were the kind of husky that loved to talk. I knew when I picked up the lead and called "Walkies" when you just sat there that something was seriously wrong.

So off to the vet we rushed. I just had a bad feeling about it all.

They did a test to see what your belly was full of and it was my worst fear - blood.

I remember they had great difficulty taking blood from you so they had to shave your neck and take it from there. :( I also remember you trying to get out that surgery door. You obviously knew - what I didn't know.

I kissed you and told you Goodbye and that I would see you later in the afternoon after your op. You wanted more than anything to come with me. I remember looking at you as you looked back at me as they lead you to the surgery. :( They had to open you up to see what was going on. The vet suspected a bleeding tumor on the spleen.

As I Sat nervously back at home, I knew as soon as that phone rang that it was bad news.

They'd opened you up and you were full of tumors. :cry: You were slowly bleeding to death.

I begged them on the phone to do anything they could to save you but there was nothing they could do. I was screaming and crying and felt so helpless. They told me if they had of sewed you up and sent you home, you would bleed to death within 24-48 hrs so I made the hardest decision of my life. I had to let you go.

As much as I wanted to bring you home to die in my arms, I couldn't bear to see you suffer and bleeding to death so I had to let go. The vet said you were under the general and wouldn't feel or know what was happening. :cry:

Later that afternoon I came to see you. To say my final Goodbye. I stayed with you for a long time, just talking and crying and telling you how sorry I was that I had to do what I had to do. :cry: You were only 7.

It all happened so fast. You were ok one day, a little quiet the next, and gone the day after. :(

Miss you lots and lots girl. I bet you were surprised to see Jay and Gyps and Whitey again and I bet Claude was surprised to see you turn up so soon. You's were always so close.

Hoping you are all running free and happy until I get there.



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I am so sorry K9angel, i lost my lab in july, she was 14. She had pretty close to the same situation as you have spoken about above. She went off her food, she didnt want her walks, and she had a swollen belly. She had a burst tumor in her spleen, which then spread through her bloodstream to her liver. I made the very hard decision to let them do all they could for her and had her come home for 4 wonderful months until she had another bleed and became aniemic, they had given her 3 weeks until she would leave me so i was luckly to have 4 months. I then had to then make that decision, she pasted away in my arms.

So i know the situation well, and im so so so sorry.

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