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Tamika And Jessie Do It Again


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Today Tamika and Jessie went to their last tracking trial for the season and passed Test Two with a very good score....Jessie also got Best Performance Dog of the Day under her judge.....I was at the end but was told that Tamika tried to pull Jessie off track and Jessie planted her feet and howled and Tamika had no choice but to follow as Jessie just pulled her down an embankment to get to me....Jessie also went and did a right turn but after making the turn she turned around and went left....she went to the toilet :laugh: then turned on the spot and with lightening speed ran back to the track to continue on....the judge said she has been a judge for many many years and had heard dogs cry before but had heard nothing like Jessie did when all Jessie wanted to do was to get to me....Jessie has also not done this on a training day so I think it has all clicked for Jessie....I tried to get Tamika in to letting me train Jessie and she train Dezzy but she wouldn't be in it :rofl:

I believe Tamika to be the youngest handler in Victoria to get two passes in tracking and definitely the youngest handler in Australia with an Amstaff

I am so proud of them both and want to thank the BDOC for all their patience and help with us....we have enjoyed tracking so much and cannot wait for the new season to start next year.....we are so lucky in that the club we attend are so very very helpful with everyone with whatever "sport" you choose to do and encourage you all of the time

Dezzy and myself are to trail on Monday which I think if i do or don't pass that there is going to be some very good competition continuing in our household for the next season of tracking :thumbsup:

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I can't believe it but Dezzy and myself have finished the tracking season with a very good pass and Dezzy also got the Best Performing Dog on the Day under the judge.....what a fantastic season we have had and with all the help from our Obedience Club and support we have received from them....both Tamika and myself are totall wrapped :thumbsup:

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