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Not Well After Worming?


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ok so I wormed the babies again yesterday, this time with the tablet (bright pink, 1/4) and a very outgoing baby has gone downhill?? They are 6.5 weeks old now. Hes drinking, but very flat and not interested in food..

Ive just scraped some nutrigel on his tounge and he is in a container snuggled up and warm at my feet.

Any ideas??

Poos normal, no vomiting and he is drinking (I just saw him) All others are fine and dandy...

* I will drop to the vet if he hasnt improved by this arvo, he may need antibiotics perhaps??

Edited by Missymoo
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Eventful afternoon, turns out he has an infection, poor little bugger, his temp was so high.

He was given fluids (and some for me to take home to give sub cut), a shot of antibiotics and some to continue, and some anti nausea tabs (and a shot there)

Hes a sick little man :( Has lost so much weight, was wondering if I should tube him?? I forgot to ask, was taking in directions for everything else..

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If he's dehydrated much of the weight loss may be fluid so the subcut fluid may help in that regard. I'm not a big fan of force feeding unwell animals if they are strongly disinclined to eat. Fingers crossed he picks up soon. Hopefully you've caught it nice and early.

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Thanks Alyosha, that makes me feel better as I was getting worried about his lack of food...what about Nutrigel? (wee bit wiped on tounge?)

Ive been carrying him around in my baby sling and he just sleeps, he wants to be cuddled.

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