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Litter Due In November 2011

Bilbo Baggins

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Thanks. Vet seems to think it is a combination of the pups being high up (so not ready to come out yet, even though they were due yesterday!) and the daft moo eating hair when i was grooming one of the other dogs (she's one of those ferals who drinks wee and eats anything!). He didn't want to give her any medication with her bring pregnant, but gave us a few tins of 'recuperation' food which is a bit like a mousse that can be syringed in if necessary although she wolfed it down. Vet is happy to do an ultrasound each day to check on pups and her if necessary (and nice vet only charges a consult, not an ultrasound fee!). Photos will follow when I have had a good sleep!

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No trisven no sleep, actually had abit of a mini break down yesterday got some bad news and was ready to quit the whole showing n breeding thing all together!

We have had a fair bit of progress she is currently panting alot and has been shredding her paper with alot of anger ll


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AWESOME things are happening nevafollo, im so pleased for you!

Becks congrads on babys! pics needed :)

Murmar how is your girl today?

ducks has a little temp drop of 37.3, still lil higher than when she had the drop, but lower than what shes been all week. i doubt shes going tonight either.. shes never going to have these pups.. Ill be the only person with a 9 month pregnant bitch... they will come out as fully formed adults... but in need of a groom...

Let us know how you are going nevafollo!!! yeah, the panting thing is boring, hopes she starts shredding something or something lol

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OK Blue has had 3 pups, 2 boys and 1 girl all very good weights.

We are off to the vets in a couple of hours with Amber and I will get the pups dew claws off at the same time.

I managed a couple of hours sleep and so may not be making much sense as I type, think I've managed to change things to read ok though!

gratz on the safe arrival... pic soon please, im having withdrawals :eek:

Ok soooo Being up this early is kinda boring needs the real action to begin, the panting is just boring!!!

yeah ive got nothing here, ive disowned her for the day (mum can deal with the NOTHING) lol but knowing my luck im gonna get a text through my exam saying shes having them :mad

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OK Blue has had 3 pups, 2 boys and 1 girl all very good weights.

We are off to the vets in a couple of hours with Amber and I will get the pups dew claws off at the same time.

I managed a couple of hours sleep and so may not be making much sense as I type, think I've managed to change things to read ok though!

Its was the 21st becks??

What date the next lot due??

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OK Blue has had 3 pups, 2 boys and 1 girl all very good weights.

We are off to the vets in a couple of hours with Amber and I will get the pups dew claws off at the same time.

I managed a couple of hours sleep and so may not be making much sense as I type, think I've managed to change things to read ok though!

Its was the 21st becks??

What date the next lot due??

Blues pups due on 19th, born on 22nd (from 3.30am - 4.45am)

Amber pups due 21st and still waiting.

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We got digging and restlessness..

she ate some lunch.. think she will throw it up....

had 1 girl who was pushing and nosing me for chicken at same time.. she ate all the way through... pom, NOT a lab lol.. Im sure she was more lab than pom though

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her temp has risen back to normal, i rang vet as i was surprised that it was so quick to rise.. he said that was normal and most people should take temps every couple of hours once they are days away.

So he said to count it as the drop as it was low enough, and to carry on ..

shes still very restless, so itll be a long night :)

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