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Litter Due In November 2011

Bilbo Baggins

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how big was the drop? if it was over a degree that should be enough. Quite often they have a temp rise before the temp drop, as well. from 12-24 hours from the temp drop at its lowest is when you should start seeing lots of action. YOull have to keep us way informed! (every lil thing) We want pics as well lol...

Shes nesting? any panting? digging?

duck (as we hae renamed her as she looks like a waddling duck) isnt doing anything... still eating happily...

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No panting or nesting... shes very whingey and keeps getting upset when I leave the room. She has been about the 37.6-38 pretty much all week earlier today she was up around 38.3 two hours later she was down to 37 and now shes back around 37.6 ... IM SO CONFUSED! Some people have told me to test every two or so hours cause its very possible to miss the change but others have been telling me Ive been doing it too often :confused:

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for me thsi is what I would do...

check same time every morn.. if on the low side, would check again 2 hours later.. if same or higher, id leave it till night check.(unless shes very close, then Id do a lunchtime check)

if it is on the low side, check again 2 hours later.. if its lower still, check 1 hour later, and see if its still going down.. when it gets to 36.5 i pretty much know it will be 12-24 hours from that.

as long as the thermometor is the same one and disinfected every time, i dont think you can over check.

often before the drop, there is a increase in temp, this will be quite sudden, and is often missed as it quickly goes back.the increase will be higher than anything you have, but becuase it is so quick is often missed. the drop however if you are testing 3 times a day usually is not missed. Even if she starts to drop at night, you will be a lower temp recording, which is why i always do another one 2 hours after a low one.

i hope this makes sense lol

twice day testing up to day 59, then 3 times daily testing from then on...

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ducky was 38.2 which is high for her, but not overly high. Id say the 38.3 of yours isnt the overly high recording either. Its the drop you want to watch mainly for, if you get the high then that will be 12-24 hours before the drop, but not all bitches show it, as its quite quick from what ive read.

If she got a temp of around 38.8 id say that would be a rise, but id check again in 2 hours anyways, see if it goes back down or stays high...

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Nevafollo, the temp testing drove me nuts just like you! That is how I knew my girl was ready to go though, I went to put her into bed (she was resting peacefully with me prior to that, only a couple of digging around in her bed sessions the day before and maybe one that day) and she got upset when I went to go to my bed, so i moved in with her that night and sure enough we had our first pup at 6am after a VERY restless night. She desperately wanted to go to her kennel - was not at all interested in the whelping box she'd spent the last week in....hair pulling out moments galore.

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The temp thing does drive you crazy sometimes, but I do it as its such a good indicator. I can sleep in my bed, dont have to cancel plans etc, and feel ok leaving her alone while I go pick up kids from school etc. When the drop has happened, im glued home with her.

We have elections in NZ but the day is for the 26th, when we have a show, so going to do it tomorow, when I take her temp in morn Ill know whether I can leave her alone for a few hours or make someone stay home with her...

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awwwwwwwwwwwwwww SO adorable!!!!

I'm very lucky that the only kids I have are the 4 legged kind - I don't have to go anywhere if I don't want to. They even deliver groceries now!!!

My girl went on day 63....I was dreading having her go over! Mind you it was a natural mating (and given how well it went we only did it once) and I dont' know exactly when she ovulated so I was just going on 63 days from that mating.

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