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Channel Seven News Tonight


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Will be doing a story tonight on the new legislation- keep an eye out for me and my best friend. :) Fingers crossed everything comes across okay.

You came across well but I felt your time was all too brief. Well Done Cosmolo.

How scared did that poor black and white dog look. Poor things.

And then when I switchedacross the Channel Nine story on dumped PB types was still going.

People are afraid of being attacked by random dumped dogs in the street now.

How irresposible can people be?? Don't worry I already know the answer to that.

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They had an anatolian shep on it as well. The scared girl would be considered to be pit bull type according to the standard.

I think the "scared girl" also made a very good 'example' of the 'types' of dogs people will be surrendering. Another 'victim' through no fault of her own. :cry:

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They had an anatolian shep on it as well. The scared girl would be considered to be pit bull type according to the standard.

Are these the same dog?

The Anatolian was the German Shepherd colouring type of dog.

The scared girl was black and white staffy type.

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Different dogs Lilli but tthey they filmed the Anatolian barking very aggressively in its pen. The media are doing the usual and making it as over the top as possible.

I am sure Cosmolo said a heap more that would have balanced the story out a lot more but it would have ended up on the cutting room floor for nor fitting with the hysterical theme of their story.:mad

This is scary.

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